RHEL 8.7 was released earlier this week.  Among other things, it has an
updated qt5 that needed many KDE packages to be rebuilt.  In addition, it
is time for the yearly major update of KDE Plasma Desktop for epel8.

If you would like to test the KDE update, or if you are having troubles
updating to RHEL 8.7 due to qt5 dependency issues, simply enable the
epel-testing repo to get the update.

  dnf --enablerepo=epel-testing update

This will get you:
qt5 5.15.3
plasma 5.24.6
kf5 5.96
apps 22.04 / 21.12 (Mostly)

Note1: There are seven packages still giving me trouble.  They are not
critical and should be in epel-testing by Monday.
Note2: This is the last major update of KDE Plasma Desktop for epel8.
There are many older libraries in RHEL 8 that are preventing us from
updating it to the next version of plasma.  This is not Red Hat's fault,
but simply the nature of an Enterprise release.
We will continue to provide security and critical bug fixes, but no major

Troy Dawson
epel-devel mailing list -- epel-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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