I'm building python3.11-setuptools_scm-epel in epel8-next. It requires mercurial for the tests which requires:

python(abi) = 2.7

On my CS8 system this is satisfied by python2-2.7.18-12.module_el8+299+aa6e9afa.x86_64 from the python27 module.

In the epel8-next build I end up with:

 python2                       x86_64  2.7.17-1.el8
 python2-for-tests             x86_64  2.7.17-1.el8
 python2-libs                  x86_64  2.7.17-1.el8

despite this message:

DEBUG util.py:445:  Enabling module streams:
DEBUG util.py:445: mercurial 4.8 DEBUG util.py:445: python27 2.7

Which then emits a complaint when run:

    ERROR: Python 2 is disabled in RHEL8.
    - For guidance on porting to Python 3, see the
        Conservative Python3 Porting Guide:
    - If you need Python 2 at runtime:
       - Use the python27 module
    - If you do not have access to BZ#1533919:
       - Use the python27 module
    - If you need to use Python 2 only at RPM build time:
       - File a bug blocking BZ#1533919:
       - Set the environment variable RHEL_ALLOW_PYTHON2_FOR_BUILD=1
           (Note that if you do not file the bug as above,
           this workaround will break without warning in the future.)
    - If you need to use Python 2 only for tests:
       - File a bug blocking BZ#1533919:
         (If your test tool does not have a Bugzilla component,
            feel free to use `python2`.)
       - Use /usr/bin/python2-for-tests instead of python2 to run
           your tests.
           (Note that if you do not file the bug as above,
           this workaround will break without warning in the future.)
    For details, see https://hurl.corp.redhat.com/rhel8-py2
    Fatal Python error: Python 2 is disabled

I can work around it by defining RHEL_ALLOW_PYTHON2_FOR_BUILD=1, but it seems like we really should be pulling in python2 from the module?

Orion Poplawski
he/him/his  - surely the least important thing about me
IT Systems Manager                         720-772-5637
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                       or...@nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301                 https://www.nwra.com/

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