Hi folks

By way of not falling too far behind the times, I've performed at least
part of the necessary tweaks required to get Epigram 1 to build under
ghc 6.5. This amounts to getting rid of the defunct IOExts stuff and
wading through a bit of overlapping instance jiggery pokery.


(1) To compile with 6.5, the flag -package lang should be removed. I
haven't the makey magic to check version and do the right thing. Easy to
tweak Makefile.

(2) Best to do a complete build, to make sure everything is compiled
with the right flags. I had some trouble until I realised that module M
had been compiled with the wrong flags, but that the error was only
triggered when module N (importing M) was being compiled.

Let me know if it screws up on you.

All the best


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