Hello Josh Burdick,

* Am 29.03.07 schrieb Josh Burdick:
>   I have a question about an idea for adding "almost" a fixpoint to
> an otherwise strongly-normalizing language.  I'm going to write CC here
> to mean the Calculus of Constructions (without inductive types), but I
> think the idea is relevant to Epigram, since it's strongly normalizing.
>   CC relies on strong normalization for its soundness, so you
> can't just toss an axiom like
> fix : forall T. (T -> T) -> T

The epigram programming  language not only eschews  general recursion to
keep the logic of  the type system sound. It was  a /design decision/ by


to default to  structural recursion since the novel  kind of interaction
the epigram  system provides  during program  development relies  on the
decidability  of the  type checking  relation. Which  get's lost  if you
allow  possibly non-terminating  computations in  types, as  for example
Lennart Augustsson's cayenne language did.

Conor  McBride   usually  suggests  to   have  fix  as  an   axiom  sans
computational  behaviour  during type  checking  to  answer demands  for
general recursion.


> into the context, because then all types are inhabited, something
> like "27 < 4" is trivially provable, and (for instance) any proofs you
> use for array bounds are useless.

So  it could  be  nice  to have  programs  which  use general  recursion
tagged  in   the  type  system.   This  has  also  been   suggested  for
epigram,  taking partiality  as a  monadic  effect building  on work  by


>   However, in CC, Ackerman's function is definable.  I omit the  
> definition here (because I don't know it :/), so you should be able to
> write 

Ackerman's  function  has  been  discussed  extensively  on  this  list.
Thorsten Altenkirch showed how to  define it with primitive recursion at
higher types.


And  Conor  McBride  explained  in   detail  how  epigram  represents  a
computation of Ackerman's function internally.


> reallyHugeNumber = ackerman 20 20 : forall  T. (T -> T) -> (T -> T)
>   It seems like, at this point, a proof that uses "reallyHugeNumber" is
> going to be sound.  But in practical terms, the "zero" arg will never
> get called; "reallyHugeNumber" will just call the "successor" arg
> a very large number of times.
>   In that case, would it be sound to introduce a constant
> inf : forall T. (T -> T) -> (T -> T)
> which just always calls its "successor" arg infinitely many times?
>   It seems like doing so would allow potentially unbounded recursion
> without compromising proof soundness, for types which are inhabited.

I'm not familiar  enough with church encodings  and feasible arithmetics
but you seem to want to establish something like the limit of any n-fold
function application and this is  domain theory's definition of

> It's sort of funny-looking, though: to write a factorial function,
> for instance, you have to give "inf" an int, which doesn't get used
> for anything.

To see how to write the factorial with the partial monad have a look at:


Best regards,

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