Been playing with the partial monad a little longer. Tried to use it for making the equations of section 3.4 of these nice lecture notes hold /definitionally/. > {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} Given the suitable codata to capture divergence > {-co-}data D a = Now a | Later (D a) ; never = Later never we can not only 'race' two or (infinitely many) more computations against each other > Now a \/ _ = Now a > _ \/ Now a = Now a > Later d \/ Later e = Later (d \/ e) but also 'sync' two or finitely more of them. > Now a /\ Now _ = Now a > a@(Now _) /\ Later d = Later (a /\ d) > Later d /\ a@(Now _) = Later (d /\ a) > Later d /\ Later e = Later (d /\ e) By quotienting with respect to termination we can have this initial fragment of the finite sets, > data Zero -- {} > type One = D Zero -- {never} > type Two = D One -- {never,Now never} allowing us to introduce the subset functor > type Sub a = a -> Two which - like the contrapositive of negation - is contravariant. > ( # ) :: (a -> b) -> Sub b -> Sub a > ( # ) = flip (.) ((id :: a -> a) # ) = id :: Sub a -> Sub a ((g . f) # ) = (f # ) . (g # ) For example /Sub Two/ gives the topology of the Sierpinski space, consisting of (const never), id and (const (Now never)) which correspond to {},{Now never} and {never,Now never} respectively. But there'll be no characteristic function for {never}. All this corresponds more to constructive set theory where to give an element of the union of two sets it suffices to give one from either one but unlike type theory it's not recorded from which one. > union :: Sub a -> Sub a -> Sub a > union = \u -> \v -> \x -> u x \/ v x And so Conor's orwell-story /here/ can only be told with functions, not functors: > zero :: Sub a > zero = const never > nogood f = f # zero -- > zero > orwell f a b = f # (a `union` b) -- > (f # a) `union` (f # b) I'd really like to see the partial monad beeing integrated into epigram, because it not only gives safer general recursion but allows to express semi-deciadable properties like inequality for codata. Cheers, Sebastian