> It's not known that the length of ns is a succ, so it isn't
>  appropriate to
>  call vecInit here.  The Haskell function is exploiting fall-through
>  in patterns
>  here, so you should expect the Epigram version to be slightly
>  noisier. So far,
>  you haven't quite determined which case you're in. You will need to
>  look a
>  bit harder. You'll also need to indicate what you're doing recursion on.

Yes. I almost used to arriving to the answer the seconds after asking
a question.

     ( X : * ; xs : Vec (succ n) X !
let !------------------------------!
     ! vecInit xs : Vec n X )

vecInit xs <= case xs
  { vecInit (vcons n' ns) <= case ns
    { vecInit (vcons n' vnil) => vnil
      vecInit (vcons n'' (vcons n' ns)) => vcons n'' (vecInit (vcons n' ns))

(indentation can be broken, I indented badly pasted version)

I'm looking for more dependent function. Now - with variable length
vector size checking!

(I almost figured out how to do it)

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