On 04/03/2008, Serguey Zefirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Being not satisfied with solution I spun from thin air I decided to
> reimplement it once again.
> If I could invent a type So2 indexed by (Maybe a) type, I could get
> the following more appropriate definitions of wNil and wCons (Haskell
> style):
> wNil = W Nothing notSo2
> wCons a as = W (Just a) (lam p => as)
> But I cannot get a type, indexed by Maybe:
>      ( A : * ;  a : Maybe A !        ( a : A ;  justA : (Just a) !
> data !----------------------!  where !---------------------------!
>      !      So2 a : *       )        !      oh2 : So2 justA      )
> Epigram colors a whole definition in light brown and (Just a) in an
> even more brown color. I think it tells me that I am wrong, but I
> cannot understand why.
> Again.

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