Hi Serguey,

    (   X : *    !        ( X : * ;  subs : List (Tup X (Bush X)) !
data !------------!  where !---------------------------------------!
    ! Bush X : * )        !        Branches subs : Bush X         )

Tup is a tuple, List is a list.

This is a limitation in Epigram's current treatment of data types. If recursive occurrences of Bush occur within other types (like List or Tup in your example), Epigram cannot tell that the data type is strictly positive. You can find more about this in Peter Morris's thesis:


I'm not entirely sure what's going on in your other question regarding implicit arguments.

In the meantime, I'd recommend you have a look at Agda:


At the moment, it's much better supported than Epigram and has a very similar type theory. It can handle things like you Bush data type, for example.

Hope this helps,


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