S.S. thats funny ive been wanting to leave america because it is
corrupt from top to bottom , people dont typically buy in to the whole
peace and love thing , which makes it hard on us who do , but i dont
think its a geografical problem , unless u want to move to a remote
native calture , south pacific - kingdom of tonga - the northern
islands, perhaps - south american tribe maby - i dont know - the rest
of the humans will come around soon enough , its the pre dawn of a new
age - EVRY caulture in the past agrees on that  .... pritty much ...
all of them

Serenity Smiles wrote:
> My heart is so sad to realise the news of Japan today.  My condolensces, 
> heart and thoughts are with you in Japan this weekend.  It is truly a very 
> sad day for me today.   But the wreckless behaviour of certain organisations 
> and government is quite frankly, indefensible.  I sincerely hope that if the 
> plan was to recreate and reproduce the ability to dominate this planet 
> through created manufactured means, that this is withdrawn without doubt 
> immediately and that they are held culpable for such mindless, mornic, 
> insidious actions.
> Hoping to escape this despicable country as soon as.

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