Atmospheric electricity and modern physics absurdities

The text put into discussion an old and wrong interpreted experiment
attributed to Benjamin Franklin  (Franklin’s bells experiment).
All actual science is not able to answer at a simple question: Why
Franklin bells are ringing during storm but not on the calm weather?
It is accepted that a difference of potential of about 100 V/m can be
found during calm weather between Earth surface and atmosphere.
Considering the collector of electric charge at a height of 25 m,
during calm weather, the bells must ring due to a difference of
potential of about 2,5kV and during storm the bells must ring due to
an inversion of potential difference sign (clouds are accepted to be
negative close to Earth).
The reality is completely different and no electric discharge can be
counted during calm weather.
Further a new cut off experiment is proposed. A device containing an
electrolytic cell instead of bells is proposed and chemical effects of
passing electric current during calm weather are counted.
More about subject at:

best regards
Sorin Cosofret

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