Check out Google gmail video chat SS. You could doodle a picture on paper 
and hold it up to the camera...
I'm glad to see that you are feeling better and thinking of things other 
than your problems. Bill is very busy with philanthropy nowadays, and no 
longer involved much with Microsoft...

Lonnie Courtney Clay

On Saturday, June 18, 2011 2:59:31 AM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote:
>   Do you think Mr. Gates could design an artists tool for messenger??   It 
> would be “awesome” to have the extra facility to be able to draw whilst 
> being able to call or message with someone.  Now that would be a far more 
> helpful tool than extra emoticons.
>  *From:* Lonnie Clay 
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 16, 2011 3:20 PM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: [epistemology 12159] Re: actual epistemology
> 20 Divas Queen of the Night Aria.
> As you listen to the above, consider that no matter how unfortunate your 
> circumstances, all but one person in the world (the most pathetic 
> unfortunate) lacks the ability to claim that there is nobody worse off than 
> them. Furthermore consider that no matter how high you might rise, there is 
> always someone higher, except for the one who is at the pinnacle. Guess what 
> happens when you reach the pinnacle? Consider Bill Gates, richest man in the 
> world in 2001 who saw the error of being such a self centered greedy person 
> and who now devotes his life to *wisely* disposing of his wealth to those 
> throughout the world who are in need, rather than grasping for yet more 
> wealth.
> In summary, life has its ups and downs. Just because you are down at the 
> moment does not mean that there is no hope. If you are up, then there is no 
> assurance that you will not be down tomorrow. Strive to optimize your 
> situation with the resources at hand. Keep alert for opportunity when it 
> knocks, because it might not knock again for a while if you fail to see your 
> chance to go for it.
> Lucille Ball - Hey! Look Me Over! from "Wildcat"
> Lonnie Courtney Clay
> On Thursday, June 16, 2011 5:45:44 AM UTC-7, Awori wrote: 
>> Lonnie your advice is excellent! 
>> On Jun 16, 2011 3:40 PM, "Lonnie Clay" <> wrote:
>> > You live and breathe right? Take ten deep breaths. Muster your patience 
>> and 
>> > ask your conscience what is wrong with your approach to life. For 
>> example, 
>> > the shouted call below for "support and protection" is revealing. Are 
>> you 
>> > famished and dying of hunger? Are you dying of thirst? Are your lungs 
>> > clogged up with so much phlegm that you cannot breath? Are you dying of 
>> heat 
>> > prostration or is your skin frozen with cold? Count your blessings 
>> before 
>> > you count your losses. Life support operational? Is there a knife at 
>> your 
>> > throat, or a gun in your belly? You complain of eczema, is that so 
>> painful 
>> > as to be life threatening? For example my sister has Fibromyalgia and 
>> > suffers constant intense pain throughout her body...
>> > 
>> > Looking back over the preceding paragraph, it may appear that I am 
>> > unsympathetic and callous. That is not true. I am taking the time to 
>> > seriously think of how I can be of help when I am "mentally insane" and 
>> live 
>> > on $985 per month of disability pension, being one year's income in 
>> debt. 
>> > You are welcome to send me an email at or to 
>> > visit at 3395 Harrell Road Arlington TN U.S.A at any time for in person 
>> > advice. It seems to me that what you need most is reassurance that life 
>> has 
>> > meaning, though it may be an impossibly tangled snarl of thread. Life 
>> DOES 
>> > have meaning, primarily as a training ground for your soul in dealing 
>> with 
>> > limited senses, mental resources, and physical resources in a "hard" 
>> > environment. If it was going to be easy, then there would not be ANY 
>> point 
>> > to playing the game, now would there? Check your score right now. How 
>> many 
>> > assets physically accumulated, apparently little, who cares. How far 
>> have 
>> > you come mentally since that first outraged scream of infancy at birth 
>> when 
>> > you discovered that you had to breathe for a living? I estimate quite 
>> far 
>> > according to your posts which I have read. How much influence has there 
>> been 
>> > on the others living about you and what environmental impact have you 
>> made, 
>> > both positive and negative?
>> > 
>> > Apparently you are not blind, or retarded, or crippled without hands 
>> since 
>> > you are using a computer. How well have you utilized your bonuses and 
>> > overcome your handicaps from birth. For example, my parents were from 
>> > farming families, my dad never earned more than minimum wage until I was 
>> in 
>> > high school, my mother had to care for six children, of which I am the 
>> > youngest, the family was always neck deep in debt to such an extent that 
>> > doctor visits were made only for life threatening conditions blah blah 
>> blah. 
>> > But I struggled out of the pit to graduate Summa Cum Laude in Electrical 
>> > Engineering in 1979, supported the rest of the family for 11 years then 
>> > mooched off of my brother for the past 20. Mentioning my brother, who is 
>> one 
>> > year older than me, he flunked out of the same engineering school I 
>> attended 
>> > (with my money paying his bills), got a job through a draftsman's 
>> training 
>> > program (which I helped arrange), worked his way into CAD designing, 
>> from 
>> > there into electrical designing, and is now a senior electrical designer 
>> at 
>> > a Fortune 500 chemical company and considered essential personnel to the 
>> > extent that last year he was the LAST designer they had left after 
>> laying 
>> > off the rest. Things are better now and he leads the pack.
>> > 
>> > "Let your light shine forth" and stop cursing the darkness SS, because 
>> it 
>> > only makes the ghosts laugh. Laugh at THEM and defy this darkness which 
>> > seems to have you in a slump. Stop listening to the damn vampire 
>> doctors! 
>> > Has a doctor solved your problems yet? NO, the occasional SYMPTOM of a 
>> > problem may have disappeared, but your fundamental problem, as with so 
>> many 
>> > of the vast majority of people is that you never learned proper control 
>> of 
>> > your body. Get a GRIP on it and activate your immune system. Eat 
>> nutritious 
>> > foods and stop poisoning your body with drugs, including those 
>> prescribed by 
>> > the witch doctor. Physical symptoms are a warning sign that you are 
>> losing 
>> > your grip. Once again, get a grip on your body! Look UP out of the pit, 
>> find 
>> > handholds, and claw your way to higher ground. If you see somebody else 
>> in 
>> > trouble worse than yours, render assistance and improve your karma, as I 
>> > just did with you. You'll feel better about yourself, self esteem 
>> bolsters 
>> > confidence, self confidence yields inspiration, and inspiration yields 
>> > solutions.
>> > 
>> > There there now, feel better?
>> > 
>> > Lonnie Courtney Clay
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Thursday, June 16, 2011 1:09:48 AM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Dear Lonnie, that is so sweet and yes I wish I could enjoy such things 
>> >> as visiting Howletts Zoo etc but, I am not going to get hurt again 
>> without 
>> >> reliable support, my hands hurt because of inherited eczema and 
>> although the 
>> >> doctor said they would get better they do not. I need “human contact” 
>> that 
>> >> I can have faith in. This does not exist for me so achieving such 
>> ambitions 
>> >> are pointless at the moment. I need SUPPORT AND PROTECTION.
>> >> 
>> >> *From:* Lonnie Clay 
>> >> *Sent:* Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:55 AM
>> >> *To:* 
>> >> *Subject:* Re: [epistemology 12150] Re: actual epistemology
>> >> 
>> >> Dear SS! Do not fret over the dead past, but set your mind upon the 
>> road 
>> >> ahead, proceeding apace toward your destiny with alert senses and an 
>> >> enquiring mind. From your current surroundings follow a pathway toward 
>> >> enlightenment not by just reading the words of others or breaking new 
>> ground 
>> >> yourself, but through a combination of those strategies. Avoid the 
>> Scylla 
>> >> and Charybdis traps of blind logic and unthinking superstition. Retain 
>> a 
>> >> sense of optimism and refresh yourself frequently with pure 
>> entertainment 
>> >> such as visiting a zoo or going to an amusement park. The denizens of 
>> those 
>> >> two locales will give you fresh perspectives. Don't ignore "facts", but 
>> >> don't assume that the dogmatic worldview of those who lead a humdrum 
>> >> existence is valid. Keep in mind that at one time the world was gripped 
>> by 
>> >> ignorance so profound that Galileo Galilei was tried for the equivalent 
>> of 
>> >> crimes against humanity today simply for believing that the Earth was 
>> not 
>> >> the center about which the Universe revolved. The dogmas of science 
>> today 
>> >> will be as laughably contemptible as the Copernican worldview within a 
>> few 
>> >> hundred years. Think about how your mind works, as I have discussed 
>> >> elsewhere and above all, "Do as you please." 
>> >> 
>> >> Lonnie Courtney Clay
>> >>
>> >> On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 11:26:07 AM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote: 
>> >>>
>> >>> Mahayanin is the Tibetan side of Buddhism, gelug being the school I 
>> took 
>> >>> refuge with, in or around 1995. This was through the guy Walker who 
>> >>> steered 
>> >>> me into this path by telling me my mind thought processes were best 
>> suited 
>> >>>
>> >>> to Mahayanin and he also felt that this was the best philosophy he had 
>> >>> ever 
>> >>> come across in his travels of the silk road, he too died in unknown 
>> >>> circumstances I never saw the body so I leave that to emptiness. Being 
>> >>> Buddhist we "dance with the dead" to recover their "lives". My life 
>> has 
>> >>> been shadowed by musicians ever since David Bowie became famous, (one 
>> of 
>> >>> the 
>> >>> few people my father used to drive as a private taxi driver, the 
>> infamous 
>> >>> Max Moseley another), or that was when I first started to realise. 
>> Just 
>> >>> who 
>> >>> or how "I" was set up is still a mystery to me. I made Liberace as a 
>> >>> possibilty about twenty years ago now, but this is when it got "heavy" 
>> for 
>> >>>
>> >>> me whether as I said because my "suitability" as a radical, green 
>> liberal 
>> >>> did not suit the conservative fascist elitist elements or even the 
>> Masters 
>> >>>
>> >>> because I was not strong enough mentally to withstand the secret 
>> practises 
>> >>>
>> >>> is still debatable. But have never been able to "escape" the "box" or 
>> >>> realising "my life" in advertising and now in programmes (my 
>> contribution 
>> >>>
>> >>> from when I signed into this group). 
>> >>>
>> >>> Because my centre is not exactly a "safe" journey for me. I decided to 
>> >>> use 
>> >>> the epistemological group as a "substitute". I had been working in the 
>> >>> library at my centre but too many people were coming in, not to 
>> practise 
>> >>> but 
>> >>> to hassle me and I was suspecting hacks. By now my mind had elevated 
>> >>> through study, practise and meditation that my visualisations had 
>> started, 
>> >>>
>> >>> seeing Buddhas and other visuals, and creating my own. Like 
>> synesthesia 
>> >>> not 
>> >>> conceptualised "just arriving from a distance at first until now they 
>> just 
>> >>>
>> >>> appear randomly. That was when I was "brain mapped" I guess. I now 
>> >>> experience myself as a vehicle for those to "see" through my eyes and 
>> also 
>> >>>
>> >>> receive increased phenomena, bubbles of deities like the madonna and 
>> >>> others 
>> >>> who have passed over and the scientists transmit responses or "things" 
>> via 
>> >>>
>> >>> media hardware, tv's, supermarket sound systems. I still conform 
>> strictly 
>> >>>
>> >>> with Buddha's ethics and the path. Now the musicians in America are 
>> able 
>> >>> to 
>> >>> decode and I can advise or translate via here who or what, when and 
>> >>> where. 
>> >>> Its really mundane now, I just wish for a "better" life than mooching 
>> in 
>> >>> depression of having a brain that is not put to better use.
>> >>>
>> >>> What I see is life in duality and everything in emptiness.
>> >>>
>> >>> I did not want my daughter to "suffer" like I have. myself being the 
>> third 
>> >>>
>> >>> generation I guess of being shadowed and did not want her going into 
>> the 
>> >>> "box" too so, when this happened, I just had to expose myself to you 
>> guys 
>> >>> although, knowing this to be a great age of hacking etc I do not know 
>> what 
>> >>>
>> >>> source takes the info as I deliberately left my laptop at my centre 
>> >>> overnight. But like I said I am still in the "dark" really, not really 
>> >>> sure 
>> >>> what to do exactly but doing nothing seems to be the safest option and 
>> >>> helping out if I can those who need if I am capable as and when it 
>> arises. 
>> >>> I 
>> >>> have been to my centre but Geshe la is not there its still all a big 
>> >>> secret 
>> >>> for me. I get upset or frustrated because I cannot answer fundamental 
>> >>> questions like who my family is, both sides kept hidden and a family 
>> who 
>> >>> refuse to communicate with me. But the only common link being the 
>> >>> military. 
>> >>> Canadian (lovers of mother and grandmother) so I am lead to believe 
>> and an 
>> >>>
>> >>> English one on my part, all "love rats" leaving illegitimate children, 
>> >>> which 
>> >>> has always made me feel that this has been the British and American 
>> >>> response 
>> >>> to Hitler's ambition "does Buddhism work". The list of names of people 
>> in 
>> >>>
>> >>> my life who taught me or were professionally involved are deliberately 
>> >>> uncanny for writing things in a karmically ethical way, like Miss 
>> Read, 
>> >>> Ring, Kill, Savage etc. hardly rocket science. So in a nutshell lol, 
>> >>> there 
>> >>> you go.
>> >>>
>> >>> -----Original Message----- 
>> >>> From: nominal9
>> >>> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 4:03 PM
>> >>> To: Epistemology
>> >>> Subject: [epistemology 12131] Re: actual epistemology
>> >>>
>> >>> You appear to be an ethically "good" and intellectually "sound"
>> >>> person, to me... Serenity ....I see the problem being that you and I
>> >>> have different frames of reference in terms of knowledge and
>> >>> experience.... maybe if "we" tried to talk "simply"... or in a way to
>> >>> actually speak of the ideas and things under discussion... not "by
>> >>> substitution".... to other people, as in writers.... or if reference
>> >>> to writers makes the point.... then explain what the writer said and
>> >>> what you think it means.... some around here know a lot of "heavy"
>> >>> writers, for example.....and others around here know a lot of very
>> >>> specified technical or "professional" knowledge....
>> >>> Walker?..... who is he or she?
>> >>> Mahayanin?..... specifically what did these others say that you find
>> >>> useful to you and you want to corroborate and pass on to the rest of
>> >>> us?
>> >>>
>> >>> On Jun 9, 1:09 pm, "Serenity Smiles" <>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>> > Also Walker was influential in the fact that he was honest in 
>> providng 
>> >>> me
>> >>> > the correct information and the knowledge of the path to follow -
>> >>> > Mahayanin - the opposite is my daughter's father who never supported 
>> and
>> >>> > evaded and was the biggest player I have ever known.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > -----Original Message-----
>> >>> > From: archytas
>> >>> > Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 4:38 PM
>> >>> > To: Epistemology
>> >>> > Subject: [epistemology 12123] Re: actual epistemology
>> >>> >
>> >>> > hi nom - much the same feelings here - I've been travelling a lot 
>> and
>> >>> > returned to his absence.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > On Jun 8, 12:25 am, nominal9 <> wrote:
>> >>> > > Hi Archytas... allow me to change the subject just to ask a 
>> "social"
>> >>> > > question....Where, Georges Metanomski?.... is he okay?.... I had 
>> some
>> >>> > > disagreements with the codger.... but I'm still a bit fond of the
>> >>> > > "coot"....
>> >>> >
>> >>> > > On Jun 6, 7:09 pm, archytas <> wrote:
>> >>> >
>> >>> > > > Those who know me know I can't be arsed crossing 'ts' on the 
>> bums of
>> >>> > > > angels counted on pin heads. There is a subject 'epistemology' 
>> >>> though
>> >>> > > > Richard Rorty once said it arose because of a mistake in Locke. 
>> The
>> >>> > > > most sense I've made of it is that we generally favour evidence 
>> >>> ahead
>> >>> > > > of theory, and history shows us the evidence was there before 
>> our
>> >>> > > > theory. Relativity is a good example and my view of this is 
>> >>> empirical
>> >>> > > > - Einstein valued both Maxwell's theorizing and the work of good
>> >>> > > > experimenters. He made sense of both instead of taking sides. 
>> His
>> >>> > > > kinematics could underpin what seemed contradictions.,
>> >>> >
>> >>> > > > Does anyone remember Pyrroh? Given that argument leads in many
>> >>> > > > directions we need a 'state of mind' to appreciate what is 
>> likely to
>> >>> > > > be the best? Or was it Phyrro - fuck the spelling.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > > > We probably have to write the term "evidence" like this - we 
>> know it
>> >>> > > > turns in theoretical assumptions. But isn't time involved in 
>> this?
>> >>> > > > And that point when we can manipulate what we'd been imagining?
>> >>> > > > John Reed and Socratus can write almost impeccable argument at 
>> times 
>> >>> -
>> >>> > > > Carlos can really make me think both that I don't get it AND 
>> there 
>> >>> is
>> >>> > > > nothing to get - Sam brings back sanity with a video of 
>> scientists
>> >>> > > > being crude (should have been at some of our old UMIST parties 
>> Sam).
>> >>> > > > The subject is about how the fuck we know, what the fuck we know 
>> >>> which
>> >>> > > > leads to the problem of the criterion of whether the fuck we 
>> knew 
>> >>> what
>> >>> > > > or how first (Sextus Empiricus). We could give up there if we 
>> >>> didn't
>> >>> > > > know about evolution. We know from that that hen and egg 
>> problems 
>> >>> are
>> >>> > > > surmountable.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > > > Most of us know religion is bullshit control - but so did Plato. 
>> >>> The
>> >>> > > > world has no lack of lackwits to believe its credulous tales. 
>> Time 
>> >>> is
>> >>> > > > on clocks for most of them. My epistemological question is this 
>> -
>> >>> > > > what do we know about knowing they don't? What is our procedural
>> >>> > > > epistemology - if we don't have one, are we just smug not-quite 
>> so
>> >>> > > > lackwits?
>> >>> >
>> >>> > --
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>> >>> > at
>> >>>
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