Solar wind and absurdities of modern

Sun and solar phenomena are extensively studied, but as is presented
in the link, there is a lack of a common sense explanation for these
Related to the solar wind, actual science is not able to explain the
generation of radial electric fields able to accelerate the particles
of solar wind outwards. Even such electric fields are somehow
generated, there should be a specific pattern of solar wind
composition at the level of Earth orbit, depending on the orientation
of these fields.
In some cases, the solar wind should be formed only from electrons,
because positive charges are eliminated from solar wind by accelerated
electric field. In other cases, the solar wind should be formed by
protons and alfa particles because electrons are eliminated by
accelerated electric field. In the latest case, as far the alfa
particles present a smaller ratio charge/mass, there should be two
pulses of particles at the level of earth orbit at different time
But nature is not taking into consideration the absurdities of actual
physicists and all components of a solar eruption (electrons, protons,
alfa particles), independent on charge or mass, arrive at the same
time at the Earth orbit level. It is like a wave front of a liquid is
moving as a whole, and there is no individual movement and individual
acceleration of every particle of fluid.
In the new theory, as far the sun is boiling liquid, the explanation
of solar wind is based on fluid mechanics and the paradox of time
flight is eliminated.
Of course, in the new theory of magneticity (in working), a
macroscopic magnetic field can exist in absence of a macroscopic
electric field. As consequence, there is no accelerating electric
field for the particles which form the solar wind.
More about subject (how is possible to have huge eruptions of X ray or
radio waves at level of solar spots, even the Sun as a whole is a
faint emitter of X Ray or radio wave) in the book.
Of course, no new experiments are necessary for a rational mind in
order to conclude that actual science is a monument of absurdity … But
who cares!?
Mainstream science is not preoccupied with truth in science. More
important is to gain as much money for small ideas and after hat is
very important to write science fiction reports….
The link:

Best regards,
Sorin Cosofret

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