The apparent discovery of the Higgs boson particle last year has opened 
doors to new calculations that weren't previously possible, scientists say, 
including one that suggests the universe is in for a cataclysm billions of 
years from now.

"It may be the universe we live 
 inherently unstable, and at some point billions of years from now it's 
all going to get wiped out," Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist at the 
National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., said Monday (Feb. 18) at 
the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of 

That projection is based on a calculation of the universe's "vacuum 
instability" that depends on the mass of the Higgs boson, which physicists 
think they've found at the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large 
Hadron Collider in Geneva. Scientists there discovered a new 
 properties suggest it's the Higgs, though further proof is needed to 
be certain.

But what does this particle have to do with the fate of the universe?

First of all, the Higgs boson is related to the Higgs field, an energy 
field pervading space that is thought to imbue many particles with mass. 
Just as swimmers get wet moving through a swimming pool, the thinking goes, 
particles get mass moving through the Higgs field. [Gallery: Search for the 

*Hills and valleys*

The Higgs field has a certain potential energy related to the way it 
interacts with itself. Just as a field of grass has hills and valleys — 
maximums and minimums — the Higgs field can have potential energy minimums 
and maximums, as well, explained Tim Barklow, a physicist at the SLAC 
National Accelerator Laboratory in California.

Currently, calculations suggest, the Higgs field is at a potential minimum, 
but it's possible, at some point, that the field could "tunnel" to another 
potential minimum that would give it different properties. (Tunneling is 
the quantum mechanical equivalent of boring through a hill from one valley 
to another, rather than traveling up and then down the hill.)

But if the universe's Higgs field tunneled to a new potential energy 
minimum, it could become much stronger, causing the universe's particles to 
gain mass. Any change in the mass of fundamental particles like the proton 
and electron would have drastic repercussions. Atoms, planets, stars and 
galaxies would no longer hold together as they do now if their fundamental 
constituents were altered.

"Then all the laws of physics change and everything is torn apart," said 
Barklow, who is a member of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron 
Collider, one of the projects that discovered the possible Higgs boson.

*Higgs mass*

The likelihood of whether or not this eventuality comes to pass depends on 
a number of properties, including the mass of the Higgs 
That wasn't known until just recently, when the Large Hadron Collider 
produced a never-before-seen particle that looks to be the Higgs. This 
particle's mass is about 126 billion electron volts, or about 126 times the 
mass of the proton.

The vacuum instability of the universe also depends on the mass of the top 
quark, one of the ingredients of the protons and neutrons that make up all 
the atoms in the universe.

Both the Higgs mass and the top quark mass turn out to be just what's 
needed to create a fundamental instability in the Higgs field, and 
therefore to doom our 
[End of the World? Top 10 Doomsday 

"The presence of this phenomenon depends on the top quark being heavy and 
the Higgs being very light," said SLAC theoretical physicist Michael 
Peskin. "It turns out the top quark is very heavy and the Higgs is lighter 
than a lot of people thought it would be."

*Doom and gloom*

It seems to be a perfect storm to spell a dismal end to our universe in 
many billions of years. But don't worry too much.

"Other things, like the sun going nova, will happen before this happens," 
Peskin said, so humans probably won't be around to mind.

Plus, the situation isn't locked tight just yet. For one thing, the mass of 
the top quark isn't known precisely enough yet.

And furthermore, the whole Higgs instability scenario depends on there 
being no new particles beyond the ones known now. Since many physicists 
suspect the universe is actually rich with particles they haven't yet 
discovered, such as the plethora of particles predicted by the theory of 
the Higgs instability could be moot.

"This observation is very interesting, but there's a big debate about what 
it means," Peskin told LiveScience. Some experts think that the fact the 
Higgs boson has the mass it does is because the universe truly is unstable.

"And there are other people like me, who say it's just a curiosity and 
after we discover supersymmetric particles, people will say it's totally 
irrelevant," Peskin said."We don't know who's right, that's what's so 
beautiful about this."

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