Physicists Francois Englert of Belgium and Peter Higgs of Britain 

have won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for predicting 

the existence of the Higgs boson particle.

However, our knowledge of particle physics is still far from complete,

 with mysteries such as the nature of dark matter to still be solved.


My question is:

In which frame of reference the Higgs boson was found ? 

In LHC this frame of reference  is a vacuum.

Without vacuum the LHC is a good place for formula-1 competition.

Then other question, what is a vacuum? 

The answer:

‘ All kinds of electromagnetic waves ( including light’s) 

spread in vacuum  . . . .  thanks to the vacuum, to the specific

ability of empty space  these electromagnetic waves  can exist.’

/ Book : To what physics was come,  page 32. R. K. Utiyama. /

Ok. Vacuum is not an empty space.

But  . . .  what is vacuum itself ?



" The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,  

 is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly 

describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description 

of something more complex? "

  / Paul Dirac ./


The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be: 

What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with

 its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word

 vacuum is a gross misnomer!

   / Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /


When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum, that endless infinite void.



Vacuum is still a fundamental puzzle in physics.


Best wishes.

Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus



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