Great! Socrates. Thanks for this lecture. I'll forward it to some friends.
Michael Atovigba.

On Nov 24, 2018 18:17, <> wrote:

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>    - God and Soul in Quantum Theory.
>    <#m_6232138220752830271_group_thread_0> - 1 Update
> God and Soul in Quantum Theory.
> <>
> Sadovnik Socratus <>: Nov 23 01:43PM -0800
> God and Soul in Quantum Theory.
> ===
> If ''God'' exist then He needs to use physical / mathematical laws
> and formulas to create the Universe. In others words: using
> physical formulas, equations and laws is possible to understand
> the eternal concept of ''God and Soul''.
> ===================
> Question: what is God?
> The Religious answer:
> God is something Absolute, Infinite, Eternal, Spiritual, the Highest
> form of Consciousness, who created everything in the Universe.
> #
> The Physical answer:
> There is an Absolute, Infinite, Eternal reference frame - Zero Vacuum T=0K,
> T=0K can take the functions of God and create everything in the Universe.
> Zero Vacuum T=0K is a "solo fabric" of creation everything in the Universe.
> Zero Vacuum T=0K is a Metaphysical / Spirit World.
> #
> 1. God does not create this Material World directly Himself.
> 2. To create Material World God uses Spiritual Particles.
> 3. The modern name of these Spiritual Particles are Light Quanta.
> #
> Quantum of Light is most phenomenal particle in the World.
> The essence of all material objects is Quantum of Light.
> Through the behavior of Quantum of Light we can understand
> what is an Absolute God.
> But what Quantum of Light is, we don't know.
> Einstein wrote in 1954:
> " All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
> no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
> Nowadays every Tom, and Harry thinks he knows it,
> but he is mistaken.'‘ And this situation doesn't change.
> =========
> How can I prove my opinion?
> a)
> In the Vacuum Quantum of Light has constant maximal speed : c=1
> This kind of movement is independent from outside forces.
> No material particles can ever attain this velocity.
> The Quantum of Light is not static / firm particle.
> Quantum of Light is an elastic particle and can change its geometrical
> form.
> In this movement the ''time'' is ''frozen'' for Quantum particle.
> (it means this movement is going in the infinite/eternal reference frame:
> T=0K
> Newtonian physics explains movement as a result of outside influence,
> In the Zero Vacuum nobody has influence on behavior of Quantum of Light.
> Quantum physics explains movement as a result of own inner impulse of
> particle.
> It means, Quantum of Light himself decided to move or not to act.
> b)
> Every quantum particle can behave as a wave (so called ''duality'' concept)
> There are many kinds of different quantum wave/particles:
> EM-waves, Gamma-Radiation waves, Röntgen-Radiation waves,
> Light-Waves, Ultraviolet -waves, Super/Ultra-High-TV-waves,
> Short/Mid/Long wave- . . .. .
> The difference between them only in frequency (f) and was written by
> formula: E=h*f.
> For example: if to give quantum of light more energy - it behaves as
> an electron.
> (experiments proved this fact)
> c)
> Then another question arise: what is an Electron?
> In 1987 Feynman wrote about electron::
> ‘' It is important to realize that in physics today,
> we have no knowledge of what energy is.
> We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
> blobs of a definite amount.‘' And this situation doesn't change.
> #
> Electron is an unique particle.
> An electron has six ( 6 ) formulas:
> E=h*f and e^2=ah*c ,
> +E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
> E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV and E= ∞ . . . .
> And electron obeys five (5) Laws :
> a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
> b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
> c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
> d) Dirac - Fermi statistic
> e) Maxwell / Lorentz EM law
> It means in different actions electron must know six different formulas
> and must observe five laws. To behave in such different conditions
> a single electron itself must be a keeper of information.
> The possibility to use information can mean that single Electron
> has some kind of consciousness. And Its evolution of consciousness
> is going step by step (from atom, cell, flower to a living being )
> As in ancient Vedas is written: ‘'from vague wish up to a clear thought ’'
> ==============
> Nobel Prize-winning (1933) Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger
> in his book ''What Is Life?'' (1944) looked at the phenomenon
> of life from the point of view of physics.
> Later he asked: - "Do Electrons Think?" (BBC 1949)
> #
> Russian poet Valery Bryusov wrote:
> '' But what if these so-called electrons
> Are worlds with continents and seas,
> And arts, and math, and wars and peace,
> And scrolls and scrolls of memories! ''
> / Poem, The World of the Electron 1922 /
> ===========
> Now . . . . . if . . . .
> If Quantum of Light / Electron have some kind of consciousness which can
> evolve and the Absolute Zero T=0K gave the birth to this conscious
> particles
> then . . . . then it means that the Zero Vacuum T=0K by Itself has an
> Absolute
> the Highest form of Consciousness.
> ===================
> My concussions:
> We don't accepted Absolute Reference Frame T=0K and therefore
> we don't know what Quantum of Light and Electron are and therefore
> there are many different speculation. I say:
> 1) God is simple: T=0K
> 2) Soul is simple: Quantum of Light / Electron
> ( c/d=pi, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1, h=E/t, h=kb,
> h=1, c=1. h*=h/2pi, c>1, E=h*f , e^2=ach* , e^i(pi)= -1)
> 3) Everything else (material) is complex.
> ====
> " If we were looking for something that we could conceive
> of as God within the universe of the new physics, this ground
> state, coherent quantum vacuum might be a good place to start."
> / Book ‘The quantum self ’ page 208, by Danah Zohar. /
> #
> " The reasons of a modern science give, maybe, the opportunity
> to make the conclusion, that the religion became acceptable
> for sensible scientific mind, since 1927. "
> / Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington /
> ===============================
> P.S.
> The tendency to understand "God" by physical laws, formulas,
> equations using the Quantum Theory never will be ended.
> a)
> Does Quantum Physics Make it Easier to Believe in God?
> ... elieve-god
> b)
> Does Quantum Physics Prove God's Existence?
> c)
> Does quantum theory prove God exists?
> ... od-exists/
> =========
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik Socratus
> =======================
> .
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