
with regards to this effort to implement a R4 compendium compilant http-service implementation i would like to point you an effort at OPS4J.org called PaxWeb. This is a framework independent, solid and jetty6 based http-service implementation. You can find out more at the wiki http://wiki.ops4j.org/confluence/display/ops4j/Pax+Web.

The project is ASL2.0 licensed and just released its second public release 0.2.0.

Feel free to collaborate here or at the ops4j mailinglist.
OPS4J.org is a java community with a major OSGi footprint. It enforces a pretty unique collaboration-based organization model and people there don't bite, too ;-)

kind regards,

Toni Menzel - Software Developer
my blog: http://tonitcom.blogspot.com/

Simon Kaegi schrieb:
Hi Gustavo,

- I see that in the current jetty 5 integration you do not directly
create instances of HttpServiceServlet, but uses a internal delegate
that takes care of saving and restoring the current classloader for
each servlet invocation. Why is this needed?

Jetty sets the context class loader on each request to match the class
loader of the Servlet. In this case it's the HttpServiceServlet's
classloader e.g. the Bundle loader for org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet. We
want to avoid leaking implementation details via the TCCL so we reset it to
the framework default -- generally ContextFinder. I suspect this will still
need to be done with Jetty 6.1.

- Also the current jetty 5 integration implements a
ManagedServiceFactory from the Config Admin service, should I also
implement it? How this service is used in equinox/eclipse?
Yes please :)
The ConfigAdmin approach is shared with JettyConfigurator which is the
primary means used by the SDK to configure and launch the http service.

- there are mixed version numbers from the bundles that import
javax.servlet: org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet declares version [2.
3.0], the current jetty 5 integration declares imports for version
[2.4.0] and the new jetty 6 jars depends on version [2.5.0] and
supply another javax.servlet version. How is the best way to deal with

Jetty 6 should probably be [2.5, 3.0)
I'm not 100% sure on the Execution Environment but we should validate with

org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet can support a range of Servlet API
versions and already knows how to support 2.5.
e.g. you can leave it alone.




Simon Kaegi wrote:
Hi Gustavo,

Starting from release 6.1.5 Jetty jars will ship with OSGI manifests.
That's great news.

I'm willing to integrate that with org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty, but
That would be appreciated. Please open an enhancement request and
your patches
for a starting point you might want to look at an integration with
Jetty 6
from a while back here -
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Toni Menzel - Software Developer
my blog: http://tonitcom.blogspot.com/

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