I've spent a couple hours this morning trying to do some testing, and as
part of it, I was hoping to build a version of the end user UI that was in
my workspace and install it into a provisioned SDK so that I could test
some uncommitted work..... (Yes, I should be self hosting, more on that in
a minute...)

I had already downloaded a full I20071127-0800 zip file earlier in the
week, so rather than get it from the
http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/testUpdates, I generated the metadata
locally.  Otherwise, I'm trying to use the code on the update site.

- I can provision the SDK.  (good)
- I build/generate the metadata for my in-workspace end user UI....
(feeling powerful...)

- I can't install the generated UI into the provisioned UI using the agent
due to:

- OK, I can provision the end user UI I20071127-0800 on the test update
site.  (good, but not really what I want.)
- Now I try to update the end user UI from the provisioned SDK.  I fail
      [prov] unconfigure error - cannot upgrade end user UI due to missing

- Go back to the agent and uninstall the end user UI I20071127-0800  (so
that I can install the other one)
- Try to install it again, still blocked by:
- Reinstall I20071127-0800 of the end user UI
- Try to upgrade it from the agent this time
      BOOM!  It appears to succeed but now my install is corrupt
      (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=211483)

- Decide that what I should really be doing is self hosting, so try to
install the self hosting I20071127-0800
- Cannot because of unsatisified dependencies

After each failure, I wiped my profile data area, launch config area, local
metadata, and profile install folder clean to make sure that previous
failures didn't  corrupt things.
(And I had time to compose this note each time I had to add the remote
update repo....)

It seems I can't really generate and upgrade to my latest UI work, and I
can't install self hosting based on I20071127, so I can't test what I want
to test....


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