> Hi Karl,
>  You are running into bug
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=215730


>  With 3.4 M5 you can set the configuration property
> osgi.framework.activeThreadType=normal to force a non-daemon thread be
> started so that the VM does not exit when the framework is running. The
> reason you see it stay up for 30 seconds is because there is a non-daemon
> thread spinning in the background waiting for a period of inactivity before
> persisting data. After it persists the data the thread exits and there is no
> other non-daemon thread alive to keep the VM running.

Well, that works but I don't really understand it. As I mentioned in
my previous mail, I actually have bundles installed that are creating
their own (non-daemon) threads so that should keep the jvm alive, no?

Thanks a lot for this workaround!



>  HTH
>  Tom
>  "Karl Pauls" ---03/11/2008 04:04:49 PM---Hi,
>  From:
>  "Karl Pauls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To:
>  equinox-dev@eclipse.org
>  Date:
>  03/11/2008 04:04 PM
>  Subject:
>  [equinox-dev] equinox standalone problem ________________________________
> Hi,
>  I have a problem running equinox standalone. Basically, what I am
>  trying to do is to run equinox without a console. The set-up is as
>  follows:
>  equinox/
>   configuration/
>      config.ini
>   plugins/
>      <equinox jars>
>  > ../configuration/config.ini
>  osgi.bundles=<a set of bundles that use their own none daemon threads>
>  eclipse.ignoreApp=true
>  osgi.noShutdown=true
>  > java -jar org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.100.v20080303.jar -noExit
>  The above set-up does shutdown unexpectedly after a couple of seconds
>  (~ 30) on the first startup and immediately on subsequent ones.
>  I tried with all sorts of versions of equinox (including 3.3.2 3.4.M4
>  nightly, integration) and any combination of -Dosgi.noShutdown=true
>  config.ini/osgi.noShutdown=true and -noExit but to no avail. If I use
>  -console everything works fine.
>  Help would be much appreciated.
>  regards,
>  Karl
>  --
>  Karl Pauls
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Karl Pauls
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