Dear Tom,

Thank you again for swift reply.

Now I clearly understand the situation. As you have mentioned, supporting
legacy code and defining a modular framework has  trade-offs.

Good news is, considering the scope and constraints of my application ,
buddy class loading is work nicely for me.

Thank you!


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:59 PM, Thomas Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The eclipse buddy policies have a number of issues. For example, when
> multiple versions of bundles exist it is random which version your buddy
> will be. Also if multiple versions of a package exist in the framework there
> is a potential for class space inconsistencies. Supporting legacy code and
> defining a concise modular framework do not always go hand in hand. Many
> folks in OSGi like to call these kinds of "features" in eclipse as "legacy
> hacks". To a certain extent I can agree, but at this point no one has come
> up with a better solution that requires *no* change to the legacy code to
> make it work in an OSGi modular environment.
> In OSGi we would like to spec some solution to to help support legacy code
> that uses Class.forName and the context class loader in OSGi to find
> extensions. For many cases buddy class loading works nicely, but at this
> point the buddy class loading mechanism has too many limitations to be
> considered for the OSGi specification.
> Tom
> [image: Inactive hide details for "Saminda Abeyruwan" ---04/17/2008
> 11:36:18 AM---Dear Tom,]"Saminda Abeyruwan" ---04/17/2008 11:36:18
> AM---Dear Tom,
> From:
> "Saminda Abeyruwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> "Equinox development mailing list" <>
> Date:
> 04/17/2008 11:36 AM
> Subject:
> Re: [equinox-dev] Providing a callback to an OSGi bundle
> ------------------------------
> Dear Tom,
> Thank you for the swift reply.
> What you have suggested solved the entire problem. I used
> Eclipse-BuddyPolicy, and Eclipse-RegisterBuddy
> bundle manifest headers to get more control over wiring buddies.
> I was wondering is there a provision to standardize these bundle manifest
> headers in future OSGi specification. IMO this would be a very important
> extension to have in OSGi spec.
> Thank you!
> Saminda
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Thomas Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<[EMAIL 
> wrote:
>    How do you know the Bundle where the configuration file is and how
>    do you read it from Bundle B? I assume you must be getting the Bundle 
> object
>    for B somehow and using Bundle.getEntry to find the configuration file. If
>    that is the case you can just call Bundle.loadClass(String name) on the
>    bundle that has the configuration file.
>    But we must be missing something from your scenario because you say
>    you are working with existing code that I assume knows nothing about OSGi,
>    otherwise you would use services like you said. For legacy code that needs
>    access to implementation class from other bundles that depend on it you can
>    use the eclipse buddy class loading mechanism. Adding the following header
>    to Bundle A's manifest will allow Bundle B (and any other bundle that
>    depends on A) to become a buddy to Bundle A.
>    Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: dependent
>    Tom
>    [image: Inactive hide details for "Saminda Abeyruwan" ---04/17/2008
>    04:27:46 AM---Hi Devs,]"Saminda Abeyruwan" ---04/17/2008 04:27:46
>    AM---Hi Devs,
> From:
> "Saminda Abeyruwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> To:*
> Date:
> 04/17/2008 04:27 AM
> Subject:
> [equinox-dev] Providing a callback to an OSGi bundle
>    ------------------------------
>    Hi Devs,
>    I have faced with a use-case where a callback need to be passed to
>    an OSGi bundle.
>    Scenario:
>    Bundle A exports package "x.y" and "a.b". These are the only
>    packages it exports. The logic of this bundle is such that it can populate 
> a
>    callback, when some function is finished. Say this callback should 
> implement
>    interface "x.y.Foo". Required callbacks are written in a configuration 
> file,
>    and which will be located using OSGi infrastructure.
>    There exist another bundle B, which has classes that implemented the
>    interface "x.y.Foo" say "x.y.K.FooImpl1" and that bundle also contains the
>    configuration file listing the QName of the impl classes. This bundle
>    imports package "x.y".
>    When bundle A reads the configuration files from bundle B and tries
>    to initiate the impl classes, bundle A would failed with class definition
>    not found exception stating that it can't locate the implementation
>    "x.y.k.FooImpl1". This is obvious because bundle A does not import package
>    "x.y.k".
>    Implementation to a callback can contain any package. Thus, bundle A
>    needs to export this some way. Java itself provides callback mechanisms and
>    implementations are done by the users.
>    Is there any way to solve prior problem. Is it possible me to say in
>    bundle A's MANIFEST.MF Export-Packaget : x.y, a.b, *; resolution:=optional.
>    Is there a way to solve this callback issue using package admin.
>    My problem with callback would have been solved using OSGi services.
>    Since I've to work with an existing code, OSGi service wouldn't be suffix.
>    Thank you!
>    Saminda
>    --
>    Saminda Abeyruwan
>    Senior Software Engineer
>    WSO2 Inc. - ** <>
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> --
> Saminda Abeyruwan
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc. - ** <>
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Saminda Abeyruwan

Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc. -





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