I've received some help from Andrew in this Bugzilla
(https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=226614) but I'm still
having problems so I thought I'd take it to the list rather than in that

We've been shipping an IDE product based on Eclipse for a few years now.
The way we've built our product in the past is essentially this:

1) Download the platform runtime, EMF, GEF, etc.. from eclipse.org and
extract them into a product layout directory.
2) Checkout and tag our features and plugins
3) Use headless feature build on all of our features, and extract the
generated archives into the product layout directory.
4) Copy our modified version of config.ini, .eclipseproduct, etc. into
the product layout directory.
5) Generate an update site based on the generated features/plugins.

This gives us a full product layout for new installs, and allows users
with older installs of our product to update to the new version using
the update site.

This process broke when we moved to Eclipse 3.4M6 when p2 was
introduced.  I've come to discover that we weren't really building it in
the ideal fashion to begin with, so I'm trying to do it the proper way
so we can get a properly p2-ized product layout and update site.

Andrew provided several useful links in that Bugzilla.  I've read about
doing product builds, using the p2 meta generator and p2 director.  I've
also played with the examples from EclipseCon presentation.

Here are some of the problems I'm having:

1) I created a .product file based on features.  I included our features
as well as those org.eclipse features that we bundle with.  When I
export it using the PDE product export from the UI, it generates a
directory containing everything we need - all features and plugins (ours
and org.eclipse.*), our branded launcher and ini file, .eclipseproduct
file, config.ini file, jre, etc..  It of course does not contain the p2
data though.  I told the exporter to generate a metadata repository
which it did.  I think I'm then supposed to run it through the p2
director to get the proper p2 directory.  I tried this, and it generated
something, but I get the error "Cannot launch the Update UI.  This
installation has not been configured properly for Software Updates" when
I try to go to Help->Software Updates.  I assume I didn't get the
command line correct for the p2 director.  This is what I did:

eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director.app.application -metadataRepository
C:\testproduct\repository\ -artifactRepository
C:\testproduct\repository\ -destination C:\testproduct\eclipse\ -profile
PlatformProfile -profileProperties
org.eclipse.update.install.features=true -bundlepool
C:\testproduct\eclipse -p2.os win32 -p2.ws win32 -p2.arch x86 -roaming
-vmargs -Declipse.p2.data.area=C:\testproduct2\eclipse\p2

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?  I thought I should be passing -installIU
but wasn't sure what to pass with it.  I tried the product id but it
errored out saying it couldn't find the IU.

2) What I did in 1) was really just a test because we'll need to build
everything from the command line and not from the export wizard.  I
tried to build the product from the command line and kept getting an
error that org.eclipse.rcp could not be found.  I removed all
org.eclipse.* features from our product file and tried again.  Now it
builds, and it generates the repo directory because I added the stuff to
our build.properties file as instructed:

p2.metadata.repo = file:${buildDirectory}/repo 
p2.artifact.repo = file:${buildDirectory}/repo 
p2.metadata.repo.name = Carbide.c++ Metadata Repository
p2.artifact.repo.name = Carbide.c++ Artifact Repository 
p2.flavor = tooling 

This repo directory only contains the two xml files though
(artifacts.xml and content.xml), unlike the product export which
generated those as well as binary, features and plugins directories.

The other issue is that none of the org.eclipse.* features/plugins are
included.  This is presumably because they're no longer in the .product
file, but I had to do that to get the build to work.  I tried creating a
master feature which just required all of our features and the
org.eclipse features, but still got the missing rcp error.  Note: in the
example2 from the EclispeCon zip, it builds a product and does include
the org.eclipse stuff in the output.  This example is based on plugins
rather than features.  This is the only meaningful difference I could
see in the .product files.

I'm also confused about the topLevelElementType and topLevelElementId
attributes in the build.properties files.  I couldn't find any
documentation on these.  Ideally I'd put type=product and id=our product
id, and then I assume the installIU would be the product id?

Anyway, sorry for the long email, but I'm stuck and could really use
some help.


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