One approach that I've thought about with the OSGi work we are doing is
to manually handle the installation and starting of bundles. One might
envision having a known directory structure like:


Your application would start up normally within the OSGi environment.
Then, your app would install and start the bundles located in the core
directory, wait for those to start and then proceed to the defaults and
addons directories.

This doesn't *really* help your situation as my understanding is that
you can get a notification of the bundle start but that still does not
guarantee that all the services provided by that bundle are available.
It does allow you for some measure of bookkeeping because you manage the
installation/start of the bundles manually instead of leaving it up to
the run levels.

Whether or not this is a good use of OSGi is certainly up for debate. :)

  - Chris

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-----Original Message-----

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Danail Nachev
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 3:23 AM
To: Equinox development mailing list
Subject: Re: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?

I'm not sure what is the application being discussed here, but here is a
use case:

An RCP application is being built, which is headless and when launched
does some processing and then exits (Update manager refreshes the
installation?). This application supports plugins. So, when the
application is launched it should get reference to all plugins and use
them do its thing. I don't think it is possible to deal with the
dynamics of OSGi registry in this case - the application needs to know
the available plugins upfront (or it can use the extension registry).

Such usage of OSGi may not be very natural (an application which doesn't
change while running), but OSGi provides other advantages beside the
dynamic environment.

Another thing is how bundles are developed usually: if a bundle provides
services w/o dependencies, they are registered in the Activator's start
method. If a bundle provides services with dependencies upon another
services, the bundle opens a tracker and register the service when all
its dependencies are satisfied. Because the tracker is opened in the
start() method, the service is registered immediately (in the same
start() method call). The current DS operation is similar to: when the
bundle is started, it spawns a thread which registers what it is needed.
This doesn't feel natural.

Another effect of the synchronous processing: it will clear up the
meaning of framework started event: With DS handling services
asynchronously, framework started has no meaning, because the framework
isn't ready when the event is delivered (same with start level changes)
- DS is still registering services.

OSGi supports dynamic changes, but I think it should be left to the
clients to decide whether they need it. Using a subset of the OSGi
features is perfectly OK, IMHO.

Danail Nachev
Senior Software Engineer/Development Tools
ProSyst Labs EOOD
stay in touch with your product.

Cortez, Otto wrote:
> Is that true of all extension of the
> org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point, that they don't
> start until the platform has been initialized?  Even when they run in
> any thread and not just the main?
> I would be happy enough to be able to say: if you declare your
> in this way, we will wait for those to be initialized before we start,
> otherwise we won't guarantee your service will be available.  I was
> hopping to be able to do that through DS, so waiting for the DS thread
> to stop seems fine, although it would be nice to have a more formal
> to do this, through public API.
> In our application, we don't expect bundles to be started and stopped
> dynamically (at least not too often), so we are really only worried
> about knowing what services there are at the initial startup.
> I was trying to figure out a good way to safeguard against the
> of the services.  I don't think there is an issue with the services
> which require 0..1 or 1..1 instances of another service, but I don't
> know what to do about the services which require 0..n and 1..n because
> you don't really know how many more services there might be without
> doing what DS seems to already do, look through the manifests and find
> the declared services.  I suppose you could also wait for the platform
> to stop starting bundles, but then DS could still be running so I'd
> still need a way to know when it was done.
> Thanks,
> Otto
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Thomas Watson
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:30 PM
> *To:* Equinox development mailing list
> *Subject:* RE: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?
> I think part of the problem here is the term "application". In this
> we are talking about an RCP application which is defined as an Eclipse
> extension to the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension
> When launching Eclipse the default application is started after the
> platform has been initialized and the start-level has reached the
> state.
> RCP applications have historically depended on the platform to be
> booted" and ready before their application is started. This mentality
> does not mix well with the dynamic nature of OSGi services. When DS is
> added to the mix the boot sequence become less predictable because
> services are not registered synchronously as bundles get started
> the bootup process (incrementing the start-level). Currently the
> application container just assumes the application is ready to launch
> after the the platform has been initialized and the final start-level
> has been reached.
> To work around the issue you will need to do something like BJ says
> make the application handle dynamic service registrations. The problem
> you will run into is that the Eclipse application container has no
> that your Eclipse application depends on services before it is ready
> launch. So in addition to making your application handle dynamic
> services, you will also need to handle waiting for your "required"
> services to be available in your application start method before
> allowing your application start method to continue to bring up your
> application. Or you can simply allow your application to start and put
> safeguards in to handle when a service is not available yet.
> It would be great if we could figure out a better way to mix the use
> extensions and services together in an Eclipse application.
> Tom
> Inactive hide details for BJ Hargrave---09/03/2008 02:04:43 PM---But
> even DS only knows about started bundles. If a bundle is sBJ
> Hargrave---09/03/2008 02:04:43 PM---But even DS only knows about
> bundles. If a bundle is started after DS has processed some bundle,
> new services can
> From:
> BJ Hargrave/Austin/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:
> Equinox development mailing list <>
> Date:
> 09/03/2008 02:04 PM
> Subject:
> RE: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?
> But even DS only knows about started bundles. If a bundle is started
> after DS has processed some bundle, then new services can be
> There is no way for DS to know about all possible services being ready
> since some may come from bundles yet to be started. The best DS could
> tell you is that it is done processing services from bundles that are
> currently started.
> It is far better in the long run for the application to handle
> Anything you do today to try and enforce some ordering will likely
> in the future when some thing changes about the set of installed
> -- 
> *BJ Hargrave*
> Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
> OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance <>_
> office: +1 386 848 1781
> mobile: +1 386 848 3788
> From:
> "Cortez, Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> "Equinox development mailing list" <>
> Date:
> 2008/09/03 02:48 PM
> Subject:
> RE: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?
> It is more important for us to know what functionality is installed
> available before parts of the application execute then it is for us to
> support dynamism. I would like to keep the dynamism if we can, but to
> that and provide reliable execution I think the application would need
> to guarantee that all services known through the bundle manifests will
> be initialized before we start processing. I guess using extensions
> might be a better fit.
> I'm not sure if we need DS to synchronously register services as much
> some way to listen to DS events or know its state, like is it just
> sitting around waiting for more bundles to be activated or
> I was focused on services being managed by DS since I thought DS would
> know weather it was done initializing all services listed in the
> bundles' manifest files and then we would be able to say to users
> may supply functionality, well if you use DS then we could guarantee
> that we wouldn't start until DS had initialized your services.
> Thanks,
> Otto
> *
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *BJ Hargrave*
> Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 7:22 AM*
> To:* Equinox development mailing list*
> Subject:* Re: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?
> The whole point of services is that the are dynamic. The fact the DS
> "processing" them on behalf of some bundle does not mean that another
> bundle should know or observe that.
> Bundles which depend upon a service need to deal with that service's
> dynamism. You can't assume a bundle's activator or starting a bundle
> will synchronously register some services. I would not support an
> for DS to synchronously register services during bundle start as this
> means people will improperly use that.
> You may also be seeing an impedance mismatch between the lifecycle of
> extensions and services. Extensions become active when the bundle is
> resolved while services become active only when the bundle is started.
> Switching to use extensions will not allow for dynamism (unless you
> to write all the code to use the extension registry API to do so.)
> You may be able to use startlevels to mitigate the issue (make sure
> bundles providing service B are started before bundles using B), but
> this is also a hack. It would be better if service A dealt with the
> dynamics of service B such that service A has a dynamic dependency on
> service B and is able to accept B's being registered and unregistered
> any time.
> -- 
> *BJ Hargrave*
> Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
> OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance <>_
> office: +1 386 848 1781
> mobile: +1 386 848 3788
> From:
> Stoyan Boshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Equinox development mailing list <>
> Date:
> 2008/09/03 07:51 AM
> Subject:
> Re: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?
> Hi Otto,
> I guess your problem is connected to the asynchronous processing of
> DS services.
> As far as I understand the situation is: your application bundles are
> started, then your application is started but at this moment not all
> the DS services are inited yet because they are being asynchronously
> processed.
> Unfortunately currently there is no way to find out when DS completes
> the DS services processing.
> I think if there was an option that DS bundle process the DS services
> the started bundles synchronously, it would solve your problem. So I
> will open bug(enhancement) about that and hopefully this will be
> implemented soon.
> As a possible workaround you could observe the running threads and
> the thread with name "Component Resolve Thread" disappears this would
> mean that DS bundle has no more work to do and eventually all of your
> services are processed. I realize this is not a clean solution (that's
> why I call it workaround) but at this moment I cannot find out a more
> appropriate working solution without modifications in the DS bundle.
> Stoyan
> Cortez, Otto wrote:
>> I made a post to the Eclipse newcomers group a few weeks ago, but did
>> not get a response. I don't know if this is the appropriate place for
>> this question, but hopefully someone can point me in the right
>> We are building a headless RCP application and we would like to use
>> to make functionality available. The problem we are running into is
>> that not all of the services we declared through DS get loaded and
>> visible before our application executes.
>> For example, I have a service A which needs 0..n instances of another
>> service B. The issue I'm running into is that if the implementations
>> service B are spread across several bundles, then the service A will
>> have seen all instances of service B when it is called since the
>> application starts (and sometimes ends) running before DS is done
>> looking through all the bundles and registering all the services in
>> active bundles.
>> Is there a way to know when declarative services is done looking
>> the active bundles and loading the services found in them? Am I
>> something?
>> It seems that using the plug-in registry may solve this issue. Is
>> perhaps a better way to go?
>> Thanks,
>> Otto
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> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
> ProSyst Labs EOOD
> 1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
> Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
> Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17_
> _ <> .
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