2008/9/24 Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Danail Nachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> If bundles are installed by reference (via reference: URL) Equinox
>> doesn't guarantee anything to bundles which you replace, while they are
>> still running. Although OSGi is considered dynamic, such scenarios are
>> not supported. AFAIK, p2 and old Eclipse Update installs all bundles by
>> reference.
>> Such scenarios can be supported if the bundle was copied to the Equinox
>> storage and not referenced. Bundles which are installed through
>> Bundle.installBundle(String, InputStream) and
>> Bundle.installBundle(String) are copied (unless the URL passed to the
>> installBundle(String) is reference: URL) are copied to the storage.
> I find this behavior interesting... Is this behavior supported by the
> specification explicitly, or does it just not cover it??

I couldn't find any explicit mention in the spec, but FWIW we also support
the reference: scheme in Felix

> Niclas
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