Hi experts,

I am new to equinox so please excuse me for some obvious/stupid questions. However, I am still trying to wrap my head around this module system.

I am tasked with integrating an existing application A that is build using bundles and equinox osgi in eclipse into another standalone Java program B that will be traditional jar based program. I would like to invoke the Equinox OSGi system to load these bundles/packages in the standalone Java program through code and execute the main method of the app A through program B.

My setup is as follows:
/plugins/ all the bundles that app A requires are here.
         also app A has a main bundle here

I can use Eclipse Application run option to launch it or comandline "java -cp startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -
application myApp.Application ..."

However, I am exploring the option to launch app A with another existing java program B. As a prototype, I am writing a plain POJO with main method:

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
       String[] equinoxArgs = { "-console", "-noExit" };
       BundleContext context = EclipseStarter.startup(equinoxArgs, null);
String pluginDir = "file:C:\\work\\"; String commonJarName = "org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.2.0.v20060603.jar"; String configJarName = "org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.2.2.R32x_v20070111.jar"; Bundle commonBundle = context.installBundle(pluginDir + commonJarName); Bundle configBundle = context.installBundle(pluginDir + configJarName);
String jarName = "fetchlets.jar";
       String directoryPath = "file:C:\\work\\plugins\\";
       String locationStr = directoryPath + jarName;

       Bundle bundle = context.installBundle(locationStr);

However, my bundle fetchlets.jar cannot be started because, the configurator bundle does not auto-discover all the required bundles in the plugins directory. Can someone help me figure out if I can tell the EclipseStarter to auto-load all bundles at a specific locations?

Or is there another approach I can use that is very similar to the run options in Eclipse where setting the platform will suffice to load all the plugins automatically?

I have been looking at:

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