Thanks to everone who gave a thought about my previous mail . I was able to
figure out why its not launching ... i was doing a WCHAR to jobjectarray
which was sending some junk charecters.. Hence the issue ...

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Devicharan vinnakota <
> wrote:

>  I was able to invoke jvm using JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env,
> &vm_args); I got the main class of
> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar . Now how to pass the
> launcher arguments to equinox launcher ? I was trying to do this way ... To
> which method should i pass the arguments ? i was trying to do it for the
> run .. . I am getting a return code 13 and its not launching ... what could
> be the issue ?
> if(mainObject != NULL) {
>                 runMethod =  env->GetMethodID( mainClass, "run", 
> "([Ljava/lang/String;)I");
>                 if(runMethod != NULL) {
>                     methodArgs =  createRunArgs(env, equinoxArg2s);
>                     if(methodArgs != NULL) {
>                         //results->launchResult = 0;
>                          runresult = env->CallIntMethod(mainObject, 
> runMethod, methodArgs);
>                         env->DeleteLocalRef(methodArgs);
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