
thanks a lot again for the investigation, Tom.

I followed your recommendation and changed the require-bundle dependency on 
org.eclipse.core.runtime with a package-import dependency.
Therefore the issue with the Spring IDE bundles should be solved.

Thanks again a lot for your help!

> I have had a look at the jboss issue.  Before going into the long details of 
> my observations I would like a bug report opened against Equinox with the 
> steps to reproduce (what exact version of the VM is used, where to get all 
> the things to install etc).  I have not actually tried to reproduce this.  It 
> seems the change in the equinox resolver to no longer make special preference 
> of packages exported by the system bundle may be contributing to this issue.  
> That old equinox behavior is not in lines with the OSGi specification and 
> does lead to other types of resolution issues.  I deduce this from the 
> following error chain from the resolver:
> Unable to resolve resource org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix 
> [osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix"; 
> type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version=""; 
> singleton:="true"] because it is exposed to package 'javax.xml.ws' from 
> resources org.eclipse.osgi [osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.eclipse.osgi"; 
> type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version="3.10.0.v20140121-0337"; 
> singleton:="true"] and javax.xml.ws [osgi.identity; 
> osgi.identity="javax.xml.ws"; type="osgi.bundle"; 
> version:Version="2.1.0.v200902101523"] via two dependency chains.
> Chain 1:
>  org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix [osgi.identity; 
> osgi.identity="org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix"; type="osgi.bundle"; 
> version:Version=""; singleton:="true"]
>    require: (osgi.wiring.bundle=org.eclipse.core.runtime)
>     |
>    provide: osgi.wiring.bundle: org.eclipse.core.runtime
>  org.eclipse.osgi [osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.eclipse.osgi"; 
> type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version="3.10.0.v20140121-0337"; 
> singleton:="true"]
> Chain 2:
>  org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix [osgi.identity; 
> osgi.identity="org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix"; type="osgi.bundle"; 
> version:Version=""; singleton:="true"]
>    require: (osgi.wiring.bundle=org.springframework.web)
>     |
>    provide: osgi.wiring.bundle; osgi.wiring.bundle="org.springframework.web"; 
> bundle-version:Version=""
>  org.springframework.web [osgi.identity; 
> osgi.identity="org.springframework.web"; type="osgi.bundle"; 
> version:Version=""]
>    import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.xml.ws)(version>=0.0.0))
>     |
>    export: osgi.wiring.package: javax.xml.ws
>  javax.xml.ws [osgi.identity; osgi.identity="javax.xml.ws"; 
> type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version="2.1.0.v200902101523"]
> This indicates to me that org.springframework.web is exporting some package 
> that uses javax.xm.ws AND org.springframework.web got wired to the 
> javax.xml.ws package exported by the javax.xm.ws bundle.  What is not 
> indicated is the package version of javax.xml.ws, but if this is the orbit 
> bundle (which it seems to be from the version) then the package version is 
> 2.1.0.  The resolver prefers packages with a higher version and the 
> system.bundle exports the javax packages with no version (because as of yet 
> nobody knows what version of these packages the various versions of the VM 
> have).  So the resolver picks the higher 2.1.0 version package javax.xml.ws 
> for resolving the org.springframework.web bundle.
> org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix is using require-bundle (sigh, here 
> we go) for the org.eclipse.core.runtime bundle, which inturn re-rexports 
> org.eclipse.osgi (yes, re-export is evil!).  In Equinox org.eclipse.osgi is 
> the system.bundle so that means it is exporting javax.xml.ws depending on the 
> Java SE version you are running on.  This is how 
> org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix is getting exposed to the two 
> different versions of javax.xml.ws.  If we had instead preferred the 
> system.bundle export of javax.xml.ws for the Import-Package from 
> org.springframework.web then it is likely this scenario would have resolved 
> OK in Luna.
> Another thing that is contributing to this situation is the fact that we 
> changed to doing incremental resolves in Equinox instead of "big bang" in 
> order to avoid exploding the uses constraint resolve process when we have 
> large sets of bundles [1].  This effectively locks in previous decisions we 
> made when resolving each bundle one at a time.  This is likely why the 
> org.springframework.web bundle gets wired to the higher javax.xml.ws package 
> and "locked in" without the ability to back off that decision later when we 
> are trying to resolve org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix
> At the end of the day there are things the resolve may be able to do to help, 
> but the real issue is the situation the spring bundles have introduced by 
> using require bundle for org.eclipse.core.runtime.  Also changing the 
> resolver to help in this scenario likely will cause issues in other 
> scenarios.  One simple change to help would be for the 
> org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix bundle to use Import-Package for the 
> javax.xml.ws packages they need that are used by org.springframework.web.
> Tom
> [1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=421706#c10
> <graycol.gif>Snjezana Peco ---03/14/2014 06:13:04 AM---Hi, Spring IDE (the 
> org.springframework.web plugin) exports the javax.xml.ws
> From: Snjezana Peco <snjeza.p...@gmail.com>
> To:   Equinox development mailing list <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>, 
> Date: 03/14/2014 06:13 AM
> Subject:      [equinox-dev] Problem exporting packages on Luna
> Sent by:      equinox-dev-boun...@eclipse.org
> Hi,
> Spring IDE (the org.springframework.web plugin) exports the javax.xml.ws 
> and javax.xml.bind package.
> If a Luna distribution includes the javax.xml.ws and javax.xml.bind 
> plugin, no one plugin depending on the org.springframework.web plugin 
> will be started.
> Luna reports there are two chains for the javax.xml.ws and 
> javax.xml.bind package.
> The issue doesn't happen on Kepler.
> Is this a bug or expected behaviour?
> See more details in https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2956
> Thanks,
> Snjeza
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