Dear Equinox Committers,

As we've been upgrading our eclipse-based product to Luna, I wanted to validate 
that our startup performance is still good:

*         get an *exact* measurement for the wallclosck time Eclipse takes from 
double clicking eclipse.exe to seeing the UI,

*         get activation traces, such that I can debug reasons for bundle 
activations that are unexpected,

*         get some per-bundle timing information to understand which bundles 
contribute most to startup time.

In the past, all that was possible using -debug org.eclipse.osgi tracing 
options, plus Core Tools runtime spy. But it looks like ALL of the 
infrastructure is now broken in Luna:

1.       BundleStats are no longer collected for usage in Runtime Spy - looks 
like this feature was just removed:
As a result, the Runtime Spy looks pretty much useless - there's no data in the 
"Runtime Spy" perspective at all even though monitoring is enabled.

2.       The org.eclipse.osgi/trace/activation=true tracing option doesn't 
print activation stack traces to "runtime.traces" any more (is this just a bug 
/ oversight or am I doing something wrong?)

3.       The Application Started: <timestamp> output which we get with -debug 
-consoleLog does not seem to be accurate any more. Measuring wallclock time, 
Eclipse is on average 5 seconds slower than indicated by the timestamp.

Reading the docs, I found a reference to the newly introduced debug/bundleTime 
tracing option, but I'm unsure how to interpret the data; it also seems to be 
very inexact and thus useless to me (getting nanosecond resolution would be good
when available).

Is there any new infrastructure available to get me the data I need ?
How do others measure and improve startup performance ?
Shall I just file defects for the regressions observed ?

Martin Oberhuber, SMTS / Product Owner - Development Tools, Wind River
direct +43.662.457915.85  fax +43.662.457915.6

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