Hi Raymond,

I'm investigating this subject too...

I thought that this feature were provided by org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.main/4.4.1/org.apache.felix.main-4.4.1.jar.

org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.framework/4.4.1/org.apache.felix.framework-4.4.1.jar seams do not have it...

at least, I couldn't find...

Could you point me to an example ?



On 17-07-2014 16:00, Raymond Auge wrote:
Actually, it's supported in Felix from the Framework API.


I'm just confirming a bug in arquillian with their embedded equinox container module which assumes it can start bundles using the 'osgi.bundles' property in the same way felix does.

- Ray

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Thomas Watson <tjwat...@us.ibm.com <mailto:tjwat...@us.ibm.com>> wrote:

    Yes, this is correct.  If you are using the OSGi Framework API
    then it is up to your own launcher to populate the framework with
    the initial set of bundles.  We could think about doing something
    similar to felix which I think does something simple with loading
    bundles from a bundles/ folder by default.  But then again, I
    would not be surprised if that is only supported by the felix
    launcher and not directly by the felix implementation of the
    Framework API.


    Inactive hide details for Raymond Auge ---07/17/2014 01:42:17
    PM---So am I right that equinox doesn't support the
    'osgi.bundlesRaymond Auge ---07/17/2014 01:42:17 PM---So am I
    right that equinox doesn't support the 'osgi.bundles' property via
    the framework API?

    From: Raymond Auge <raymond.a...@liferay.com
    To: Equinox development mailing list <equinox-dev@eclipse.org
    Date: 07/17/2014 01:42 PM
    Subject: [equinox-dev] osgi.bundles property
    Sent by: equinox-dev-boun...@eclipse.org


    So am I right that equinox doesn't support the 'osgi.bundles'
    property via the framework API?

    It looks like these are only supported via the EclipseStarter
    which isn't used when calling the Framework API.

    Can I get a confirmation?

-- *_Raymond Augé_*
    <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile> (@rotty3000)
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