I am a Life Member of the National Aviation Hall of Fame.  The organization
was formed by Congress to honor past and present aviation heroes.

My involvement started through my friendship with Col. Joseph W. Kittinger,
Jr. and his family. An accomplished military and private aviator, he is not
only enshrined in the Hall of Fame, he is also on the nominating committee.

Each year four heroes are enshrined.  Two living and two deceased is the
normal mix.  This year I am nominating an individual who has been talked
about here over the last few weeks and in the past.  I am a friend of his
two sons, Homer, Jr. and Boyd.  My nominee is the late General Homer
Boushey, the JATO Ercoupe pilot and engineer (1941 and 42 as a Captain) and
test pilot for the Bell YP-59 (as Lt. Col.) and later the first jetfighter
squadron commander in the US Air Force. He had a close personal relationship
with Robert Goddard, the father of modern rocketry, who was Godfather to one
of the General's daughters.

Because General Boushey holds a place in the history of the Ercoupe and in
rocket assisted aircraft research, I am raising this nomination.  These
nominations can always use extra support.  Can I ask each member of the
group to send me a letter.  The letter should reach me by the end of April
if possible as I am submitting the nomination by May 15.  The letter is
simple and could go something like this and hundreds of the same letter are
A-OK. No sin plagerizing here:


Sally Smith
1 Anywhere Lane
Someplace, KY 10201
Phone and email optional

April 20, 2001

John S. Craparo
1 Richard Pearse Cove
Georgetown, TX 78626

Subject: Nomination of General Homer Boushey into National Aviation Hall of

Dear John,

I would like to add my name to the list of individuals supporting the
nomination of General Boushey for enshrinement in the National Aviation Hall
of Fame.

I have been an aviator for (X) years and an A&P mechanic for (X) years.
(you can list all your rating and hours, military experience, aircraft types
flown or admired, etc. if you would like.  You do not have to be a pilot to
nominate... heck, have all your kids, significant others, and friends write
too.).  General Boushey deserves a place next to the great women and men
already honored by the NAHF.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lend my name in support of the
General's nomination to the NAHF.


Sally Smith


When I receive your letters (and wouldn't it be great to have hundreds), I
will scan them into a file which will be submitted to the committee.

In addition, if you have any first hand or documented information about the
General, feel free to let me know about it if you feel it will help.  It may
be useful in building our case.

Thanks in advance and feel free to respond publicly or privately with
questions or comments.


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