
A very fine video.  I enjoyed many elements.  Of course the Ercoupes were
great, but the musical medley was a nice choice.Thanks for not replacing the
sound of the engines, pilots and radio communication with the music track.
Having both is a great touch. For me the music evoked a lazy Sunday
afternoon at the airfield.  The fly-bys prior to landing were nice and the
addition of still photographs gave everyone a view of the "courageous young
men in their flying machines".  It is also encouraging to see so many young
faces involved with flying in general and flying Ercoupes in partcular.  We
need that kind of participation here in the USA and other parts of the
world. At some point it would be nice to see the names of the people in the
group scene and the airplanes they were associated with in the video
overlaid onto the photo.

Thanks for sharing this.  It makes me want to make a trip to Argentina!

All the best,

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