Having been declared as disabled by my neurosurgeon, a while back I decided to 
sell my Coupe project.  Advertised it in several places and received numerous 
calls inquiring about it.  Unfortunately, most of the callers and ones who came 
to inspect the project were expecting to see a flyable coupe for $12,000 or 
else they had to speak to their wives about the purchase.  Then there were the 
calls promising to come to the plane on a certain day and time and never 

I joined the local EAA chapter and discovered a most competent AP/AI, a rairty 
in this area.  Not getting anyone really interested in a project, I decided to 
turn it over to him to do the work.  Just before I delivered it, about a month 
ago, I received a call from a fellow in Ft Smith,AR who pleaded with me to not 
do anything till he could come see the project.  He expressed great interest 
and didn't say he would have to get permission from his wife.  Said he would 
come within 2 weeks.  Just before two weeks passed he sent an email stating he 
had struck a deer with his car and would need to get it fixed.  Another week 
and a half expired and no call.  So I called him and got the word that he would 
get the car last Friday and come down probably last Sunday.  Sunday came and 
went, no call no email.  Called the prospect on Monday and sent an email of 
inquiry as to the car repair and possible date of his coming.  Today I received 
a call from him saying he had gone to look at a project close to Okla City, but 
decided against it.  The man said he would leave early tomorrow (Thursday July 
1) and probably be here Sunday.  Great.   
Later on tonight, received another call saying he had decided against buying 
the project.  Well, of course that is a buyers perogative, however I didn't 
take the plane to get it reassembed based on the fellows word and have loggy 
gagged around for a month waiting for him to do as he promised.  Now the AP has 
 a project and won't be able to work on mine.

The moral to this is what you all probably already know.  Don't beleive any 
promises no matter how they plead and promise, cause they don't come through.  
Next time something like this happen, I will ask for a cashiers check for $500 
as security, which they will get back if they don't like the plane.  Otherwise 
they can go pound sand in a rat hole.

Thanks for listening to a fustrated old fart.
Lee Browning
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