Now, wait, I get 4.5 to 5 GPH, so let's assume 5. At $5 a gallon, that's $25 
per hour. That means I can go 2 hours each way and still be at $100. I do a lot 
of hamburger trips that range from 1 hour to just under 2, and I think it's 
still an honest $100 hamburger...

Example: KUUV to KMKC is about 170 miles. At 90 knots that's under 2 hours, and 
since I'm just going for lunch the winds average outré. Borrow a crew car, go 
to Arthur Bryant's BBQ for lunch, return crew card, fly home. That was a $100 
BBQ Beef sandwich with fries!


On Sep 3, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Caliendo Dan wrote:

> Column: Tab for $100 hamburger gets pricier
> The $100 hamburger may be a nickname of the past due to fuel price increases, 
> according to columnist William Egart. "The '$100.00 Hamburger' now may be 
> just a symbol of a relatively simpler time in General Aviation, an era that 
> might be gone forever," writes Egart. With fuel at $4.80 a gallon, Egart 
> calculates a round-trip flight in Georgia at $200, not including the price of 
> the burger. The Examiner (8/29) 
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