
that is the standard background of widgets. You may configure this via 
qtconfig (or qtconfig4 depending on your distr0).


On Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010, Shi Liu wrote:
> Hello! I've used Eric for a couple of months now and I really like it.
> My question is the same as the one raised by Ole Johan last December (I
>  read the related mail-archive, but didn't find the answer.). That is, how
>  to change the background color of the unused lines.
> I did succeed in doing that once before by the help of what I can't
>  remember now. I exported a preferences file to save my settings, but I
>  can't find the very option in regard to that color for a second time now.
>  My preferences file is attached here.
> BTW I'm using Eric-4.3.9 under Vista.
> Thank you all!
> Regards,
> Liushie

Detlev Offenbach
Eric mailing list

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