Hi detlev,
the problem it is not related to any code of mine in particular but interaction between my system and eric (it is the only qt/kde program where i get this behavior), i think it is related to kdelibs, qt or pyqt, the last time i had this problem was an upgrade to qt 4.5.3, later 4.6.0 was fine and now kdelibs 4.4.0 with qt 4.6.0 (4.6.1) exhibits this problem.

The problem it is the keyboard get broken inside eric, i cant use the arrows in the editor or the delete key and the shorcuts gets broken too, for example Debug Project "Shift + F5" becomes F5 and Debug Script has the same key and none of them works using F5. Here i investigate a bit on the causes http://www.mail-archive.com/eric@riverbankcomputing.com/msg02074.html but still i have not cleared them. We had changing private emails about this problem in 2009-10-23~24 but i was the only with this problem (and i suppose still the only one).

Anyway thanks for your great support :) and eric it is a very good python ide, it is a great work on your side, i am impressed with it.

Miguel Angel.

El 13/02/10 19:45, detlev escribió:

would you please send some short test code showing the problem. I#d like you
to be back using eric.

On Samstag, 13. Februar 2010, Linos wrote:
        anyway i am unable to fix the other problem (i have tried to downgrade 
  many packages included qt and still eric it is broken) so i am stuck with
  vim for now.

Miguel Angel.

El 13/02/10 14:01, detlev escribió:

the issue will be fixed in the next release. Meanwhile one can get the
latest sources from the source code repository.


On Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010, Linos wrote:
        i can reproduce with this simple code:

import subprocess, time

if __name__ == "__main__":
     subprocess.Popen(['soffice', '/tmp/prueba.csv'])
     print "ended sleep"

change prueba.csv for any openoffice document. Anyway i think this is
   related to the problem i am getting other time that i related first
time here

El 10/02/10 19:12, detlev escribió:

can you please generate a small test script that shows the problematic
behavior? That would allow me to debug it.


On Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010, Linos wrote:
        i have upgraded today to version 4.4.1 and i now have a problem i had
not before upgrade, i have a line in code where i do this:
        subprocess.Popen(["soffice", filename])

I use this to open a csv file i generate from code, with the new eric
    version i get a dialog where i have to choose "Parent process" or
"Child process", if i choose parent i get an excepcion from
subprocess.py (9, Bad file descriptor), if i choose child openoffice
loads the file cleanly but on close openoffice, eric close my program

This same code works well if i launch the program directly without
eric. I have other lines in code where i use subprocess.call instead
of Popen but i get the same result. I am using python 2.6 in Linux
2.6.32. How can i fix this? any configuration option? Thanks.

Miguel Angel.
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