From: Matthew Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 16:14:35 -0700
To: 'Jon Callas' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mars: Here's a chance to see something that no one alive toda y
will ever see again

A bit hyped, but, OK, it's fun.
Yes, this is the absolute closest in a long time.  Oppositions happen every
26 months.  In a few years it'll be very nearly as close:

The closer oppositions, in millions of miles:
Aug. 28, 2003    34.67
Nov. 7, 2005    43.70
July 27, 2018    35.88
Sept. 15, 2035    35.51


During all these oppositions you wouldn't be able to tell the difference
unless you took measurements.  And you wouldn't be able to tell the
difference in brightness over a several week period, so don't expect
anything special to happen on Aug. 27th.  When astronomical things like this
get hyped, people run outside and ask "when's something spectacular gonna
happen?"  And they are very disappointed at something that just sits there.

Still, it will be a very pretty sight (it already is, if you stay up until
past 11PM and look in the SE), and worthwhile hauling out a telescope if you
have one.  Or go purchase one: they've gotten cheaper in the past few years.

amateur astronomer and amateur telescope maker

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