From: Tamzen Cannoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Eddie Izzard is the new Dr. Who

The Time Lord's return is eagerly anticipated

Cross-dressing comedian Eddie Izzard is to be the new Dr Who, according to a former star of the sci-fi series.

Tom Baker, the fourth man to play the Time Lord, told BBC Radio Five Live that the "mysterious and strange" Izzard had landed the part.

But the corporation says no final decision has been made on who will star in the TV show when it returns in 2005.

Jonathan Creek star Alan Davies and Richard E Grant are the bookies' favourites to take the role.

In the interview on Thursday morning, Baker told presenter Julian Worricker that Izzard would bring an "alien quality" to the part.

Who should be next?
"Eddie Izzard is so mysterious and strange. He seems like he has lots of secrets," Baker said.

"You always feel Eddie Izzard knows something you don't, or has been somewhere you haven't been."

He said the actor and comedian would wear the Doctor's flambouyant outfits with flair.

"I like the way he dresses. He could probably do his own wardrobe," said Baker, who played the role between 1974 and 1981.

The new series is being scripted by Queer As Folk creator Russell T Davies for BBC Wales, which is behind the new series.

A BBC spokesman described Baker's comments as speculation.

The first Doctor Who - played by William Hartnell - was first seen on 23 November, 1963. He was followed by seven more, before the series was axed in 1989.

William Hartnell 1963-66
Patrick Troughton 1966-69
Jon Pertwee 1970-74
Tom Baker 1974-81
Peter Davison 1981-84
Colin Baker 1984-86
Sylvester McCoy 1987-89
Paul McGann 1996

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