[Editor's note: Bill is a member of this list, and has been doing a great job over the last couple of years of fighting abuses being put up in the name of security. He's been running the anti-CAPPS sites himself, and alas, they don't pay that well. He's been running this out of his own savings, which have been depleted to the point of non-existence.

He phoned me a couple of weeks ago, asking my opinion of what to do, saying that he doesn't like to beg. My response was that no one does, but sometimes one has to. So, if you think that what he's doing is good for the world, drop him a few bucks. Paypal makes it easy, if you use it. -- jdcc]

From: Bill Scannell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri Oct 10, 2003  10:08:31  AM US/Pacific
To: Jon Callas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What You Can Do -Right Now- To Stop CAPPS II

Dear Patriot,

For the past seven months, I have been fighting for the right of all Americans to travel freely in our own country.  CAPPS II, the Soviet-style internal border control system being pushed by the Department of Homeland Security, will strip us of that right, and make air travel a 'privilege' granted by government.

A lot has been accomplished:

•        Delta was shamed out of testing CAPPS II
•        Homeland Security was forced to appoint a Chief Privacy Officer
•        JetBlue was exposed violating the privacy of millions of passengers
•        JetBlue was shamed out of CAPPS II testing
•        A pro-CAPPS II 'consumer advocate' was unmasked as a Cendant shill
•        Galileo/Cendant has backpedaled on CAPPS II

I need your help taking this fight forward.

Running the anti-CAPPS II campaign costs a lot of time and money.  The Boycott Delta and Don't Spy On US websites require a team of graphic artists and web designers.  As you can imagine, the bandwidth usage is enormous.

The over 40 million dollars in publicity generated for the ongoing anti-CAPPS II awareness campaign came at a cost of hundreds of media interviews, astronomical telephone bills, and all of my time and energy.

Up to now, I have funded this project out of my own personal savings.  America has been good to me and spending money to keep our country free seemed only fair.  Unfortunately, I can't do this alone anymore, which is why I am turning to you for help.

To keep up the fight, I need you to contribute to the cause.  Whether you can afford $20.00 or $100.00; $50.00 or $1,000.00 , every cent you give makes it possible to keep up the pressure on those who would make our great nation less free.

There are two ways you can help fund the fight:

1. Use your credit card and contribute using PayPal:


   2.  Send a check or money order payable to 'Bill Scannell' in care of my attorneys:
        The Electronic Frontier Foundation
        454 Shotwell Street
        San Francisco, CA 94110

Together, we can stop CAPPS II.

With deepest gratitude,

Bill Scannell

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  Benjamin Franklin

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