From: Earl Wajenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Oct 22, 2003  9:33:51  AM US/Pacific
Subject: Flu News - telling the T cells to back off

Imperial Researchers Show Novel Flu Treatment Eliminates Symptoms In

Source: Imperial College Of Science, Technology And Medicine
Date: 2003-10-21

Imperial College London researchers report today in the Journal of
Experimental Medicine that they have developed a novel strategy for
effectively treating the symptoms of the most deadly type of flu.

Working with influenza A virus, they show in mice that their novel
treatment eliminates symptoms by reducing the response of active T white
blood cells by a third.

Flu A is the type of influenza responsible for pandemics such as the
1919 outbreak of 'Spanish flu', which globally killed more than 20
million people.

Unlike current attempts to prevent or treat flu, which rely on either
yearly vaccinations that try to predict how the virus might mutate, or
anti viral drugs that must be administered as soon as there is contact
with the virus, this new treatment can be given after symptoms present.

Dr Tracy Hussell of Imperial's Centre for Molecular Microbiology and
Infection and senior author of the paper, says:

"Three times in recent history the flu virus has evolved from a disease
characterised by coughs and sneezes to a world killer. The recent SARS
epidemic highlights how quickly a deadly virus can spread in modern
society and we are long overdue for the next flu pandemic. The sobering
reality is that influenza is one of the grand masters at evading human
immune response.

"During flu infection the immune system has an 'all hands on deck'
attitude to the viral assault. But it's this that causes most of the
damage. The exaggerated immune response produces inflammatory molecules
that lead to what's known as a 'cytokine storm'. Essentially too many
cells clog up the airways and prevent efficient transfer of oxygen into
the bloodstream.

"By selectively reducing this cellular load we've shown it's possible to
eliminate clinical symptoms whilst effectively tackling and clearing the

The body has two major classes of white blood cells, T and B
lymphocytes. While B cells produce tailor-made antibodies that help the
body remember and quickly respond to invaders, T cells patrol the body,
seek out and destroy diseased cells. But the T cell response also
produces inflammatory mediators that lead to the 'cytokine storm'.

Until now, treatments to eliminate the cytokine storm have focused on
inhibiting all T cells. But this leaves the patient unable to clear the
virus and susceptible to other infections. Dr Hussell's team have
developed a way of down regulating a molecule known as OX40 that only
targets T cells that have recently been alerted to the presence of the
flu virus.

"OX40 sends out a 'survival signal' instructing activated T cells to
remain in the lungs for longer to help fight the infection. However,
because new cells are arriving all the time this prolonged presence is
not needed," explains lead researcher Ian Humphreys of Imperial's Centre
for Molecular Microbiology and Infection.

"Inhibiting this signal therefore allows T cells to vacate the lungs
earlier whilst leaving behind a sufficient immune presence."

Using a fusion protein OX40:Ig supplied by the pharmaceutical company
Xenova Research, the scientists were able to demonstrate that OX40:Ig
blocks active T cells.

Results show six days after infection with flu, mice treated with
OX40:Ig were indistinguishable from uninfected control mice. But
infected mice that had not been treated lost 25 per cent of their body
weight, appeared hunched, withdrawn and lost their appetite - all
characteristic symptoms of flu.

When treatment with OX40:Ig was delayed for several days after
infection, until the mice had lost 20 per cent of their body weight and
OX40:Ig was administered, symptoms were reversed.

Re-infection also indicated that the ability of mice to respond to a
second infection was not affected by the reduced T cell immunity during
the initial infection.

Dr Hussell added: "There is tremendous scope for this treatment.
Basically any disease that is characterised by an excessive T cell
inflammatory response, whether in the lungs, in the case of Bronchitis,
Asthma and Pneumonia, or in the joints, such as Rheumatoid arthritis,
could be a candidate for this type of treatment. If the clinical
symptoms of SARS are caused by an excessive immune responses it too
could be effectively treated."


Facts about flu

There are three main types of influenza virus A, B and C. Of these, A
and B are of most concern because of the way in which their genomes

The organisation and type of genetic material flu virus is made from
helps it hide from the immune system. RNA viruses, such as flu have a
higher mutation rate because they don't proof check their genetic
material when they make new viral particles. As a result, there's a huge
amount of genetic variability within a new generation of virus
particles. Although many of the mutation will be detrimental there will
be enough that are able exploit a weakness in the immune system.

Influenza A is particularly dangerous because it readily undergoes 'gene
swapping' or reassortment. This means two strains of the virus can
infect the same cell and swap genetic information. Add this to
influenza's ability to infect certain animals and birds, and you have a
situation where two very distinct strains can infect a cell and
hybridise to create a new strain that is very different from anything
the immune system has encountered before. It is this process of gene
swapping that has been linked with the emergence of most pandemics.

About Imperial College London

Consistently rated in the top three UK university institutions, Imperial
College London is a world leading science-based university whose
reputation for excellence in teaching and research attracts students
(10,000) and staff (5,000) of the highest international quality.

Innovative research at the College explores the interface between
science, medicine, engineering and management and delivers practical
solutions that enhance the quality of life and the environment -
underpinned by a dynamic enterprise culture.

This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Imperial
College Of Science, Technology And Medicine.

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