From: Donald Eastlake III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22 April 2005 5:39:49 AM PDT
Subject: [interest] FWD: Woolly Mammoth Resurrection, "Jurassic Park" Planned

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Woolly Mammoth Resurrection, "Jurassic Park" Planned

Stefan Lovgren
for National Geographic News
April 8, 2005

A team of Japanese genetic scientists aims to bring woolly mammoths back
to life and create a Jurassic Park-style refuge for resurrected species.
The effort has garnered new attention as a frozen mammoth is drawing
crowds at the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan.

The team of scientists, which is not associated with the exhibit, wants
to do more than just put a carcass on display. They aim to revive the
Ice Age plant-eaters, 10,000 years after they went extinct.

Their plan: to retrieve sperm from a mammoth frozen in tundra, use it to
impregnate an elephant, and then raise the offspring in a safari park in
the Siberian wild.

"If we create a mammoth, we will know much more about these animals,
their history, and why they went extinct," said Kazufumi Goto, head
scientist at the Mammoth Creation Project. The venture is privately
funded and includes researchers from various institutions in Japan.

Many mammoth experts scoff at the idea, calling it scientifically
impossible and even morally irresponsible.

"DNA preserved in ancient tissues is fragmented into thousands of tiny
pieces nowhere near sufficiently preserved to drive the development of a
baby mammoth," said Adrian Lister, a paleontologist at University
College London in England.

Furthermore, Lister added, "the natural habitat of the mammoth no longer
exists. We would be creating an animal as a theme park attraction. Is
this ethical?"

Ice Age Giants

Mammoths first appeared in Africa about four million years ago, then
migrated north and dispersed widely across Europe and Asia.

At first a fairly generalized elephant species, mammoths evolved into
several specialized species adapted to their environments. The hardy
woolly mammoths, for instance, thrived in the cold of Ice Age Siberia.

In carvings and cave paintings, Ice Age humans immortalized the giant
beasts, which stood about 11 feet (3.4 meters) tall at the shoulder and
weighed about seven tons.

"It is hard to imagine that woolly mammoths browsed around the places
where we live now, and our ancestors saw them, lived with them, and even
hunted them," said Andrei Sher, a paleontologist and mammoth expert at
the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution in Moscow, Russia.

At the end of the last ice age, about 10,000 years ago, woolly mammoths
dwindled to extinction as warming weather diminished their food sources,
most scientists believe.

There are believed to be ten million mammoths buried in permanently
frozen soil in Siberia. Because of the sparse human population in the
region, though, only about a hundred specimens have been discovered,
including two dozen complete skeletons. Only a handful of complete
carcasses have been found.

In 2002 hunters stumbled across the mammoth now on display in Japan.
After a period of relatively warm weather, the head of the beast had
been left protruding through the snow and ice cover.

Viable DNA?

The scientists with the Mammoth Creation Project are hoping to find a
mammoth that is sufficiently well preserved in the ice to enable them to
extract sperm DNA from the frozen remains.

They will then inject the sperm DNA into a female elephant, the
mammoth's modern-day counterpart. By repeating the procedure with
offspring, scientists say, they could produce a creature that is 88
percent mammoth within 50 years.

"This is possible with modern technology we already have," said Akira
Iritani, who is chairman of the genetic engineering department at Kinki
University in Japan and a member of the Mammoth Creation Project.

In 1986 Iritani's lab successfully fertilized rabbit eggs artificially,
employing a technique now used in humans. In 1990 his colleague Goto,
the Mammoth Creation Project head scientist, pioneered a breeding plan
to save a native Japanese cow species by injecting dead sperm cells into
mature eggs.

The current challenge, however, is finding viable woolly mammoth DNA.
The DNA in mammoth remains found to date has been unusable, damaged by
time and climate changes.

"From a geologist's point of view, the preservation of viable sperm is
very unlikely, and this is so far confirmed by the poor condition of
cells in the mammoth carcasses," said Sher, the Russian paleontologist.

Current Siberian permafrost temperatures are 10 to 18 degrees Fahrenheit
(minus 12 to 8 degrees Celsius), which may not be cold enough for DNA

Sperm is not the only possible DNA source, and mammoth-elephant
crossbreeding isn't the only potential way to resurrect the woolly

An alternative method would be to clone a mammoth from DNA found in
mammoth muscles or skin. To do this, however, scientists would need
preserved cells with some unbroken strands of DNA.

"There is no evidence this exists, and even if it did, it is very
unlikely to be preserved without significant errors having
accumulatedprobably leading to birth defects," said Lister, the London

Safari Park

The Japanese scientists, however, are not deterred.

Iritani is planning a summer expedition to Siberia to search for more

His team has already picked out a home for living mammoths in northern
Siberia. The preserve, dubbed Pleistocene Park, could feature not only
mammoths, but also extinct species of deer, woolly rhinoceroses, and
even saber-toothed cats, he said.

"This is an extension of my work for the past 20 years in trying to save
endangered species," Iritani said.

Other scientists are less enthusiastic about the project.

"Even if the cloning experiment is successful, they are not
reconstructing the past but rather creating a new mammoth-like
creature," said Anatoly Lozhkin, an Ice Age expert at the Northeast
Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute in Magadan, Russia.

"Scientists are always able to learn from every experiment, but I am not
sure that cloning a mammoth will help us significantly move forward our
understanding of the animal or the conditions under which it lived,"
Lozhkin said.

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