
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 13:36, Miguel Andrade Vazquez
<miguelandradevazq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using the erlide plugin,but i don't know how can i debug a module,fixed
> first,the  run options.Example: In my ubuntu console I write
> $ -pa /usr/local/lib/yaws/ebin -yaws embedded true ,and de erlang shell
> starts and I can type application:start(yaws).
> ¿How can i do this from eclipse?

You define a launch configuration Run->Debug configurations->Erlang
application->New, and fill in the needed info (most important: which
project and which modules to interpret in the debugger). Save it and
then it shous under the Run and Debug menus. Start it and you get a
console. You can go to the debug perspective and you'll see mode debug
related stuff (process list, breakpoints list, variable values, etc).

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more help.

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