Hi Vlad,

Am Dienstag, 24. August 2010 09:02 schrieb Vlad Dumitrescu:

> Regarding the difference between long and short name, I think there
> might be an issue with your hostname settings.

the short name is just 'e' in my run configuration, the long 
name 'e...@hostname.domain' using the output from hostname -f.

> Regarding the "no output", I guess that your example code is basically
> io:format("hello world~n") 

It does a little bit more :-) 

start() ->
        io:format("epgsql 1 start~n"),
        io:format("epgsql 1 stop~n").

> and you entered the module and function 
> name in the launch configuration dialog, to be run when starting up.

You'd like to say "run configuration", tab "Erlang", group "Start" and
therein "Module" where I entered 'first_epgsql' and "Function" where
I entered 'start'.

> There are issues with the output to the console in this case -- what
> happens if you call it from the shell in the console view?

Well, it works.

Best regards,

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