At 01:17 PM 8/1/02 -0400, Henry Spencer wrote:
>On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, David Weinshenker wrote:
> > for a "hybrid" reusable/expendable profile... if you're not doing
> > a sample return, but just trying to radio back some high-resolution
> > images of the item against the star field, then it might be reasonable
> > to use a reusable suborbital booster with a single-use upper stage.
>Better yet, a reusable *orbital* booster with a single-use upper stage.
>(To quote Max Hunter:  "I like staging, but I want to do it in orbit.")

         It's not really possible to say a priori whether the staging event 
should be orbital or suborbital. That's a determination that must be made 
as part of the trajectory optimization, and it depends heavily on the 
desired trajectory and the specific designs of the proposed vehicles.

>If you're talking about a flyby as the asteroid passes -- so the probe
>just needs to be in the right near-Earth place at the right time -- then a
>reasonable rule of thumb is to take an orbital delta-V and add 3km/s.

         That's easier than going to GEO...


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