On 8 Nov 2002, at 2:27, Yossi Preminger wrote:

> I have just received an automated email from Amazon.com telling me that
> since I bought Berinstein's book "making space happen" I should buy Weil
> stupid book too. I surfed over and read the reviews: There's a guy who knows
> Hudson who was genuinely hurt by the book. A guy who lives in the Mojave was
> insulted by her description of the locals as idiots. Former NASA assoc.
> admin. Lori Garver stopped to put in her two bits and she ain't happy.
> There's just one woman who confesses she knows diddly about rockets and
> seemed to like Weil's cruel attitude. She compares her to Chekhov and
> Tolstoy.
> I almost wish I had read the book so I could honestly put in a bad review.
>     Yossi Preminger

     Wait until your library gets a copy, and read that one. That's what I 
did. (Of course, in your case the wait might be quite a bit longer.)

    The book reads like an expose'. You'll always find some people to like 
that sort of thing, even it it's baseless.

    My capsule review: Although the book is not as bad as I thought it 
would be, Ms. Weil gets both the people and the technology wrong.

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