On Thu, 29 May 2003 19:07:48 +0000, "Jonathan Andrew Goff"

>It is possible to design a small orbital ELV, and 
>maybe a very small and simple RLV (or maybe a small
>partially reusable/recoverable LV) using less than
>say 25 people (SpaceX is doing that).  Burn rate 
>for a company of that size is likely $2.5-5M/year
>fixed rate.  Taking them as an example, if their
>Falcon costs say $2M per flight marginal, and they
>charge $6M per flight (which is cheaper by over 50%
>than you can normally get for small payloads), then
>they only need 1-2 flights per year to keep their
>cashflow positive, and 2-4 flights per year to pay
>back their R&D within a reasonable time (2-5 years).
>So, yeah it is possible to make money on the current

You left out an important if: If SpaceX succeeds.  I see no obvious
show stoppers in their plans, but they have a number of challenges
ahead of them.  For one thing, they believe they can go from clean
paper to launch in 18 months.  Are they really *that* much better than
everyone else who has ever done a launch vehicle?  Well...maybe.  But
I don't think their expected success can be used as a proof of any
particular concept until they actually succeed.

>I'm sorry, I was being sarcastic.  I understand that
>there really is a lot of room to disagree here, and
>I didn't intend to offend.  I still think that any
>company that expects to nab more than 20 flights in
>their first year is being optimistic, and any that
>expect more than 100 in their first year are being
>fanciful (IMO), but that is just my opinion, and I'd
>love to be proven wrong.

Depends on the market.  If you're talking about the orbital market,
those numbers are unfortunately pretty realistic.


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