A few months ago I ran across your site on the web, and have been following
your mailing list. I'm a carpenter foreman and live just north of San
Francisco. I'm an amateur scientist though, and I was wondering what I could
do to get more involved. I see Pierce Nichols is looking for help. Where
does he live?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 12:25 AM
Subject: ERPS-list digest, Vol 1 #724 - 4 msgs

> Send ERPS-list mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Minutes of ERPS #261 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>    2. Re: Casualties/Launch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>    3. Re: Re: Casualties/Launch (Ian Woollard)
>    4. Re: Minutes of ERPS #261 (Pierce Nichols)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:17:22 -0700
> Subject: [ERPS] Minutes of ERPS #261
> Minutes of ERPS General Meeting #261
> 05 June 2003
> The President called the meeting to order at 8:17 PM. Members present were
> Mark Blair, Rick Eversole, Sean Lynch, David Masten, Pierce Nichols,
> Nordley and his wife, Julie Porter, Adrian Tymes, Michael Wallis, David
> Weinshenker and Chris Winter. Roger Gregory, co-inventor of a rotary
> engine, also attended in order to set up a working relationship with ERPS.
> Reports and discussion on agenda items were as follows:
> -------------
> Chris Winter
> Nothing to report
> --------
> Sean Lynch
> Nothing to report
> --------
> Michael Wallis
> Pierce reported that, at SA'03, he had struck up a friendship with
> Jonathan Goff, who plans to visit the Bay Area in July and wants to see
> facilities. Jon is a mechanical engineering undergraduate at Brigham Young
> University and is working on a pintle-injector engine. Anyone with
> questions about this can ask him directly on the ERPS mailing list.
> Michael said our presentation on "FAST" at the International Space
> Development Conference went well, although it was poorly attended. Later,
> at the National Space Society board meeting, Adrian proposed FAST as an
> legislative initiative and reported some interest from them. This will be
> discussed further by the ERPS board.
> ---------
> Sean Lynch
> Nothing to report
> --------------
> Michael Wallis
> The reporter from the East Bay Community Newspapers, previously mentioned
> in the context of doing a story on this year's ISDC, did attend that
> Memorial-Day-weekend event. Apparently, she found little of interest.
> ---------
> Rick Eversole
> The treasurer reported that, since he has disbursed funds for POGO
> engines, sparger parts, two drums of 50% peroxide feedstock, and a water
> ionizer, we have substantially less money than before.
> ---------------
> Kevin Bollinger
> Nothing to report
> ---------------
> Dave Masten
> Dave requested that someone else take over Flight Controls, since his time
> is fully occupied with POGO, peroxide, a paying job, personal life, etc.
> This matter will be taken under advisement.
> The next Gizmocopter meeting will be held at CDI. Date and time: Thursday,
> 12 June; 7 PM.
> ----------------------
> Pierce Nichols
> Pierce called for a work party at the Ranch on Saturday. The goal is to
> make an initial run of his sparger with peroxide, and to train some
> alternates who can operate the system when he is unable to be on site. The
> plan is to assemble at his house at 9 AM, then proceed to the Ranch.
> Pierce also reported that our facility at the Ranch passed its hazmat
> evaluation with flying colors, and that we have two 500 lb. drums of 50%
> peroxide there for processing.
> Dave W has his "teacart FF apparatus" under final assembly at CDI.
> -------
> Dave Weinshenker
> Dave W reported that Senator Enzi's bill, S 724, continues to do well in
> the Senate, but that letters to Representatives are needed. He also called
> for those interested to submit comments on the BATFE's NPRM for the Safe
> Explosives Act.
> There was some discussion of the recently concluded COMSTAC meeting in
> Washington, DC. Adrian will collect some electronic documents related to
> this and pass them to Chris for the archives.
> ------
> Dave Masten
> Safety is AOK.
> -------
> Dave Masten
> As noted before, peroxide is the pacing item for testing.
> Composites
> ----------
> Kevin Bollinger
> Nothing to report.
> Gizmocopter
> -----------
> Dave Masten
> See Flight Controls, above.
> ----
> Dan Solvin
> Modifications to the test fin can are complete, and KISS 4 is ready for
> static testing. What's needed now is enough peroxide for a full series of
> diagnostic runs.
> ----
> Dave Masten
> Engines for POGO (two full sets plus two spare engines) are finished. They
> will be shipped COD to Rick's office; it turns out to be the fastest way.
> POGO meeting will be scheduled when we have them in hand.
> -----------
> Dave Weinshenker
> Dave W flew PC Bird at Dairy Aire. Prototype electronics worked well on
> this flight, its second, as they did on the first. The only problem was
> that the main 'chute stuck in the tube, and the vehicle came down on the
> stabilization 'chute. Despite this, the rocket incurred no structural
> damage.
> Spike
> -----
> Sean Lynch
> Sean is still awaiting completion of the engine design. The current plan
> is to test-fire and prove out an aerospike engine before investing more
> design time on the vehicle structure.
> ------------
> Dave Masten announced with evident pleasure that Steve and Joyce Traugott
> are the proud parents of a baby daughter named Angela. Mother and daughter
> are doing well; GLOW (*) was not reported.
> Julie Porter presented a document on using a flat-bed scanner mechanism to
> measure HTP concentration, and some material on Atmel's AVR chips. The AVR
> is a PIC workalike.
> Meeting #261 adjourned at 9:12 PM. The next meeting will take place 19
> 2003 at a Coco's location TBA.
> (*) GLOW in this context means "Gently Launched Offspring Weight" (among
> other possibilities).
> Respectfully submitted,
> Chris Winter
> Secretary, ERPS
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:21:21 EDT
> Subject: [ERPS] Re: Casualties/Launch
> Gentlefolk,
> << the chances of going bang goes down with launch experience, not up! >>
> For initial experimental operations, yes, but this learning curve can peak
> early.  With long term routine operations, there's a tendency for
complacency to
> set in, pressure to cut corners to save money (until one gets some
> unfortunate feedback), and finally, the equipment ages.  Arguably, we've
seen some of
> this in both DCX and shuttle mishaps.
> --Best, Gerald
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 19:50:17 +0100
> From: Ian Woollard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [ERPS] Re: Casualties/Launch
> >Gentlefolk,
> >
> ><< the chances of going bang goes down with launch experience, not up! >>
> >
> >For initial experimental operations, yes, but this learning curve can
> >early.  With long term routine operations, there's a tendency for
complacency to
> >set in, pressure to cut corners to save money (until one gets some
> >unfortunate feedback), and finally, the equipment ages.
> >
> Yes, but how quickly the equipment ages is all part of launch experience
> too. When I say launch a/ lot/, I mean, wear out the vehicle in 4 months
> >  Arguably, we've seen some of
> >this in both DCX and shuttle mishaps.
> >
> Whilst complacency played a small part with the Shuttle mishaps, I would
> argue that the root cause of the two major accidents were design faults.
> DC-X; well that was done on an absolute shoe-string, I don't think you
> can draw any huge conclusions.
> >--Best, Gerald
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >ERPS-list mailing list
> >http://lists.erps.org/mailman/listinfo/erps-list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> -Ian        "Everything I say is a lie"
>             Motto: "You're Not Authorized to Know Our Motto."
> "The future isn't what it used to be, but then it never was."
> "Predestination was doomed from the start."
> "Everything takes longer than you expect, even when you take
> into account Hofstadter's Law" -Hostadter's Law
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 13:26:11 -0700
> From: Pierce Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [ERPS] Minutes of ERPS #261
> One thing re: KISS tower that I brought up during new business. I got a
> quote on the slotted angle I like, for $2.71/ft in 50' or 60' increments.
> We need three 60' increments for the full box tower. HF Tools carries an
> appropriate trailer that can be modified for the tower.
>          -p
> Mars or Bust!
> www.marssociety.com
> --__--__--
> _______________________________________________
> ERPS-list mailing list
> http://lists.erps.org/mailman/listinfo/erps-list
> End of ERPS-list Digest

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