On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:35:29 -0700 (PDT), Michael Wallis

>"An Oregon amateur rocket group, the Portland State 
>Aerospace Society, plans to launch a Linux-powered
>rocket weighing 12 pounds to 55,000 feet at a speed of
>Mach 3 in September, Wired News reports. The rocket's
>onboard computer is an AMD 586 processor and a Jumptec
>MOPS/520 PC/104+ board along with a power supply, a
>PCMCIA card carrier for an 802.11b card to transmit
>data to the ground, and a carrier board for a 128-MB
>CompactFlash card for long-term storage. The flight
>computer runs a stripped-down version of Debian Linux,
>with the 2.4.20 Linux kernel.  The group will present a
>paper on the use of free software in rocketry at Usenix
>2003. The real question is whether their network card
>will survive 10 seconds at 15 Gs!"

That's *a* question, and it's trivial.  Another question is, what will
this gadget be doing?


-- "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters
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