There isn't much night life in Mojave.  In fact, when I asked Rich
Pournelle what single guys do on weekends in Mojave, he said, "We
leave."  But last night I managed to find a hot date.  Well actually,
it found me...and Doug was its pimp.  :-)

Today we fired the teacart engine a few times for the EAA Young
Eagles.  We wanted to make sure the checklist was up to date and
everything still worked, so Doug tossed me a three ring binder at 8:00
last night.  "Hey Randall.  C'mon, we need to run the teacart."  So I
had a hot date last night with a nitrous/kerosene engine...just
another Friday night in Mojave.


-- "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters
will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to
the Internet, we know this is not true." -- Robert Wilensky, UC Berkeley
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