Pierce Nichols wrote:
Shouldn't be all that bad. The biggest differential they would ever
> want to pressurize to would be 1 atm, which is equivalent to only
> 30 feet. IIRC, the at the bottom time for that depth is pretty long.
> However, John, you should of course consult the diving tables,
> available really cheap at your local dive shop, before you do the
> experiment :).

If that suit were pressurized to 1 atm, it would no longer be a suit. Even hardsuits are not operated at more than 8 psid. According to http://paperairplane.mit.edu/16.423J/Space/SBE/eva/EVA/russian.htm, typical Orlan suit dP is less than 4 psi in normal operation. Even at the 5.8 psi max dP, the pressure ratio would be much less than two, so no decompression issues would arise (although no unpressurized high-altitude flight should be undertaken in the next 24 hours).

Doug Jones

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