Henrik Schultz wrote:
> Hiya All,
> I intend to make some experiments with 85% H2O2, and a kerosene derivate
> (most probably JP-4). I am however confused as to the best way to burn this
> mix, as it seems as there are different routes one can take.
> Method 1) One source (isn't it the ERPS site?) mentions something along the
> line of "Catalytically decompose the H2O2 and then inject kerosene in the
> hot gas stream, which essentially doubles the Isp." This is simple, in the
> sense that it alleviates the need for an igniter. However, conceptually it
> doesn't match any methods I've seen described in Sutton or Huzel/Huang
> (perhaps except for the gas/liquid jet injectors).
> Method 2) Another source works with traditional injection and impinging the
> propellants into the combustion chamber, which seems to work under the
> assumption that heat is already present in the chamber to get the reaction
> going (igniter). I have a strong preference for this, as it allows us to use
> stabilized H2O2.
> Here are my questions:
> Has anyone of you ever tried method 2) ?
> Am I right in assuming that method 2) is self-sustaining, given a properly
> sized combustion chamber, i.e. will the H2O2 at 85% produce enough heat to
> both vaporize the water content as well as ignite the kerosene?
> Thanks for any input you can provide!

Hmmm... ERPS' actual testing so far has only been with monopropellant
engines... however, in "Ignition!", John Clark writes of Navy work in
the 1950's with peroxide/kerosene - he notes that method 1 (precatalyze
the H2O2) was the safest and most reliable, and that it was a problem
to get clean ignition and smooth combustion with a "direct ignition"
engine (method 2).

The British, in the "Gamma" engines used in the Black Knight/Black 
Arrow rocket projects, also used a pre-catalyzed H2O2 stream with 
the fuel injected downstream of the catalyst.

-dave w
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