On Wed, 12 May 2004, George William Herbert wrote:

> John Carmack wrote:
> >Well, you can't get nitrous down to 150 psi feed pressure unless you
> >refrigerate it, so you might be stuck with high pressure there.
> But it doesn't have to be refrigerated very much to get down
> to 150 psi.  Less than halfway from room temp to dry ice temperatures.

My thought was to chill to zero C w/ ice.  That puts the vapor pressure at
about 500 psi, IIRC.  Feed the Nitrous as gas, with a really big injector
drop (no regulator).  That gives a high velocity gas stream to inject the
IPA into for good atomization.  The nice thing about zero C is that it's
really easy to hit without needing much in the way of instrumentation or
controls.  There will be some variation in temperature as the nitrous
evaporates in the tank, but it ought to be manageable with a little care
in design.

John's objection that radiative cooling is likely to be hard to get right
is more serious.  Probably the best thing to do is heat sink for debugging
and radiative or ablative once things are well understood.


Andrew Case                             |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       |

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