John Carmack wrote:
> Have you considered just using a dewar of liquid nitrogen for the freeze
> wheel?  In the long run it would certainly be cheaper to have dedicated
> refrigeration, but an easily metered source of "unlimited cold" would
> probably make it easier to prove or disprove the basic idea.

Hmmm... it's an idea that we've considered at least in passing; it could
in principle work... it looks like a pound of LN2 will absorb about 150
BTU evaporating and rising to -40F - so a flow of 40 lb./hr would give
6000 BTU/hr of cooling (equivalent to the rating of the upsized refrigeration
unit I presenty have on order). That's not totally out of the question
for a pilot project, though I'm sufficiently immersed, at the moment, 
in the endeavor to achieve the necessary temperatures with mechanical 
refrigeration that (for better or worse) I'm a bit reluctant to "change
horses in midstream"...

-dave w
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